

Residence Hall Tips

  • Always keep your dorm room doors locked, even when you are inside.
  • Keep an inventory of valuable possessions and record serial numbers.
  • Don't loan your keys to anyone. Don't mark your key chain with your name or address. Lost keys can lead to theft.
  • Don't let unfamiliar people into your room.
  • Don't prop open residence hall doors that are supposed to be locked.
  • Call Campus Safety IMMEDIATELY if you see strangers loitering in or around the dorms.
  • Always keep your dorm room doors locked, even when you are inside.
  • Keep an inventory of valuable possessions and record serial numbers.
  • Don't loan your keys to anyone. Don't mark your key chain with your name or address. Lost keys can lead to theft.
  • Don't let unfamiliar people into your room.
  • Don't prop open residence hall doors that are supposed to be locked.
  • Call Campus Safety IMMEDIATELY if you see strangers loitering in or around the dorms.