

Bicycle Safety Tips

Planning on bringing a bike to campus to take advantage of the miles of bike paths Chicago has to offer? Make sure to register your bike with Campus Safety and take advantage of a discounted price on a Kryptonite U-Lock!

Below are some tips to help you keep your bicycle safe:

  • Avoid chains or cables as your sole means of securing your bicycle. These are easily defeated and are usually responsible for the majority of bicycle thefts.
  • Always wear a helmet, even when going for short rides. 
  • Consult  published by the City of Chicago for tips on securing your bike.
  • Do not place the locks close to the ground (or other hard object) where a thief can easily smash it with a hammer.
  • Wear light colored clothing when biking at night. Consider purchasing LED style lights that can be affixed to your bicycle to make you more visible. 
  • You are responsible for knowing the laws concerning bicyclists in the City of Chicago.
  • Always ride with the direction of traffic. 
  • Secure your bicycle to bicycle racks only. Securing your bicycle to a railing, garbage can, fence or other items on campus could result in the lock being cut and the bicycle being impounded by Campus Safety.

Planning on bringing a bike to campus to take advantage of the miles of bike paths Chicago has to offer? Make sure to register your bike with Campus Safety and take advantage of a discounted price on a Kryptonite U-Lock!

Below are some tips to help you keep your bicycle safe:

  • Avoid chains or cables as your sole means of securing your bicycle. These are easily defeated and are usually responsible for the majority of bicycle thefts.
  • Always wear a helmet, even when going for short rides. 
  • Consult  published by the City of Chicago for tips on securing your bike.
  • Do not place the locks close to the ground (or other hard object) where a thief can easily smash it with a hammer.
  • Wear light colored clothing when biking at night. Consider purchasing LED style lights that can be affixed to your bicycle to make you more visible. 
  • You are responsible for knowing the laws concerning bicyclists in the City of Chicago.
  • Always ride with the direction of traffic. 
  • Secure your bicycle to bicycle racks only. Securing your bicycle to a railing, garbage can, fence or other items on campus could result in the lock being cut and the bicycle being impounded by Campus Safety.