

Blue Light and Emergency Phones

  • There are over 400 emergency phones located inside buildings and throughout the grounds of our Lakeside campuses.

  • Many of the Blue light emergency phones on campus have the ability to act as public address systems in the event of an emergency. These can be used to relay important life-saving information during emergencies on campus. The phone picture above is one of these kinds of phones.

  • In an emergency, simply push the red "EMERGENCY" button to notify Campus Safety of your emergency and need for assistance (see picture below).

  • Some emergency phones on campus are both emergency phones and normal on-campus phones that can be used to call any on campus phone number. Pressing the "EMERGENCY" button will immediately connect you with Campus Safety's Emergency Dispatch. To use the normal phone function, simple press "CALL" and then dial the number.

  • If you are being chased, run from blue light to blue light, hitting the emergency button at each phone, Campus Safety can track your location and direction of trail and send help.

  • Even if you do not hear the dispatcher, the phone is communicating.


  • If you believe a phone is not operating properly, please contact Campus Safety by calling 773-508-SAFE to report the issue.

  • There are over 400 emergency phones located inside buildings and throughout the grounds of our Lakeside campuses.

  • Many of the Blue light emergency phones on campus have the ability to act as public address systems in the event of an emergency. These can be used to relay important life-saving information during emergencies on campus. The phone picture above is one of these kinds of phones.

  • In an emergency, simply push the red "EMERGENCY" button to notify Campus Safety of your emergency and need for assistance (see picture below).

  • Some emergency phones on campus are both emergency phones and normal on-campus phones that can be used to call any on campus phone number. Pressing the "EMERGENCY" button will immediately connect you with Campus Safety's Emergency Dispatch. To use the normal phone function, simple press "CALL" and then dial the number.

  • If you are being chased, run from blue light to blue light, hitting the emergency button at each phone, Campus Safety can track your location and direction of trail and send help.

  • Even if you do not hear the dispatcher, the phone is communicating.


  • If you believe a phone is not operating properly, please contact Campus Safety by calling 773-508-SAFE to report the issue.