

Fake IDs

It is important to know that the possession of a fake ID is considered a Class IV Felony offense in the state of Illinois. Please note, this refers to possession of a fake ID, not just use or attempted use.  Having a fake ID is enough to be charged with a felony. 

Fake IDs are one of those victimless crimes that many people feel is an infringement upon them. This is not the case and Fake IDs are taken very seriously by the University and Law Enforcement agencies. In this world where terrorism is a threat in the back of every person's head, the role of a fraudulent ID has taken on a bigger implication, more than just college aged people wanting access to alcohol.  

It is important to know that the possession of a fake ID is considered a Class IV Felony offense in the state of Illinois. Please note, this refers to possession of a fake ID, not just use or attempted use.  Having a fake ID is enough to be charged with a felony. 

Fake IDs are one of those victimless crimes that many people feel is an infringement upon them. This is not the case and Fake IDs are taken very seriously by the University and Law Enforcement agencies. In this world where terrorism is a threat in the back of every person's head, the role of a fraudulent ID has taken on a bigger implication, more than just college aged people wanting access to alcohol.