

Severe Weather

Tornado/Severe Thunderstorm

A tornado or severe thunderstorm watch means severe weather is possibly approaching.  Continue normal activities but also continue to monitor the situation.  If the weather appears to be changing, it is best advised you stay inside or relocate to an indoor location. 

If the approaching severe weather is deemed to pose an immediate threat to the area, the watch may be elevated to a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning.  You should take the following steps:

  1. Notify other building occupants of the severe weather warning.
  2. IF it is a thunderstorm warning, you should stay indoors and try to relocate to a lower level or a room located in the inner portion of the building until the storm passes.  
    Report injuries to Campus Safety at 44-911 from an on-campus phone or 773.508.SAFE from an non-campus phone.  

When calling either Campus Safety or 911, provide the following information;

  • Building name, address and or location
  • Type of emergency
  • Condition of victim(s)
  • Any dangerous conditions (power lines down, gas leak etc)

If there is a tornado warning, you should seek shelter in a safe haven immediately.  The safe haven varies by building but it generally located in the lower level of a building, in a room without glass and without large ceiling (examples of large expansive ceilings would be in a gym). 

If you are in a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a sturdy building.  If a building is not available, a depression such as a ditch or ravine offers some protection. 

Basements, interior hallways on the lowest floors and small interior rooms on the lower floors offer the best shelter. 

After danger has passed, if there are injuries, immediately report them to Campus Safety at 773.508.SAFE.  If no answer, hang up and call 911.

When calling either Campus Safety or 911, provide the following information;

  • Type of Emergency
  • Location of victim(s)
  • Condition of victim(s)
  • Any dangerous conditions (power lines down, gas leak etc)

Immediately leave a badly damaged building and do not attempt to return to the building unless directed to do so by Campus Safety or other Emergency Personnel. 

Do not attempt to turn utilities or equipment on or off.  Call the applicable Facilities Management Office (normal business hours)

  • Lake Shore Campus: 8-2100
  • Water Tower Campus: 5-7625
  • After Hours: Campus Safety 8-6039

Tornado/Severe Thunderstorm

A tornado or severe thunderstorm watch means severe weather is possibly approaching.  Continue normal activities but also continue to monitor the situation.  If the weather appears to be changing, it is best advised you stay inside or relocate to an indoor location. 

If the approaching severe weather is deemed to pose an immediate threat to the area, the watch may be elevated to a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning.  You should take the following steps:

  1. Notify other building occupants of the severe weather warning.
  2. IF it is a thunderstorm warning, you should stay indoors and try to relocate to a lower level or a room located in the inner portion of the building until the storm passes.  
    Report injuries to Campus Safety at 44-911 from an on-campus phone or 773.508.SAFE from an non-campus phone.  

When calling either Campus Safety or 911, provide the following information;

  • Building name, address and or location
  • Type of emergency
  • Condition of victim(s)
  • Any dangerous conditions (power lines down, gas leak etc)

If there is a tornado warning, you should seek shelter in a safe haven immediately.  The safe haven varies by building but it generally located in the lower level of a building, in a room without glass and without large ceiling (examples of large expansive ceilings would be in a gym). 

If you are in a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a sturdy building.  If a building is not available, a depression such as a ditch or ravine offers some protection. 

Basements, interior hallways on the lowest floors and small interior rooms on the lower floors offer the best shelter. 

After danger has passed, if there are injuries, immediately report them to Campus Safety at 773.508.SAFE.  If no answer, hang up and call 911.

When calling either Campus Safety or 911, provide the following information;

  • Type of Emergency
  • Location of victim(s)
  • Condition of victim(s)
  • Any dangerous conditions (power lines down, gas leak etc)

Immediately leave a badly damaged building and do not attempt to return to the building unless directed to do so by Campus Safety or other Emergency Personnel. 

Do not attempt to turn utilities or equipment on or off.  Call the applicable Facilities Management Office (normal business hours)

  • Lake Shore Campus: 8-2100
  • Water Tower Campus: 5-7625
  • After Hours: Campus Safety 8-6039