



We, the management of this facility, are committed to keeping individual and collective doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

Modifications to operating and maintenance procedures and to equipment and facilities will be made if they will reduce exposures, unless the cost is considered to be unjustified. We will be able to demonstrate, if necessary, that improvements have been sought, that modifications have been considered, and that they have been implemented when reasonable. If modifications have been recommended but not implemented, we will provide the reasons for not implementing them.

We will keep staff members apprised of our commitment to the ALARA concept. This will include efforts, through training and policy statements, to ensure that personnel understand this commitment and how we implement it.

Additionally, we will ensure that an individual with qualifications commensurate with the scope of the program will be appointed as the RSO to coordinate the radiation safety program for the facility.


The RSO will perform an annual review of the radiation safety program, including ALARA considerations. This will include reviews of operating procedures and past dose records, and consultations with the radiation safety staff or outside consultants. The results of the annual review will be reported to the Radiation Safety Committee. Results of this review shall be documented and maintained.

The RSO will review, at least quarterly, the radiation doses of Authorized Users and workers to determine that their doses are ALARA.

The RSO will also review the results of radiation surveys in unrestricted areas and restricted areas to determine that doses rates and amounts of contamination were at ALARA levels during the previous quarter.

The RSO will investigate all known instances of deviation from good ALARA practices and, if possible, will determine the causes. When the cause is known, the RSO will implement changes in the program to maintain doses ALARA.


Workers will be instructed in the ALARA concept and their individual responsibility concerning the ALARA concept, its relationship to work procedures and work conditions, and in recourses available if they feel that the ALARA philosophy is not being promoted on the job.


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We, the management of this facility, are committed to keeping individual and collective doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

Modifications to operating and maintenance procedures and to equipment and facilities will be made if they will reduce exposures, unless the cost is considered to be unjustified. We will be able to demonstrate, if necessary, that improvements have been sought, that modifications have been considered, and that they have been implemented when reasonable. If modifications have been recommended but not implemented, we will provide the reasons for not implementing them.

We will keep staff members apprised of our commitment to the ALARA concept. This will include efforts, through training and policy statements, to ensure that personnel understand this commitment and how we implement it.

Additionally, we will ensure that an individual with qualifications commensurate with the scope of the program will be appointed as the RSO to coordinate the radiation safety program for the facility.


The RSO will perform an annual review of the radiation safety program, including ALARA considerations. This will include reviews of operating procedures and past dose records, and consultations with the radiation safety staff or outside consultants. The results of the annual review will be reported to the Radiation Safety Committee. Results of this review shall be documented and maintained.

The RSO will review, at least quarterly, the radiation doses of Authorized Users and workers to determine that their doses are ALARA.

The RSO will also review the results of radiation surveys in unrestricted areas and restricted areas to determine that doses rates and amounts of contamination were at ALARA levels during the previous quarter.

The RSO will investigate all known instances of deviation from good ALARA practices and, if possible, will determine the causes. When the cause is known, the RSO will implement changes in the program to maintain doses ALARA.


Workers will be instructed in the ALARA concept and their individual responsibility concerning the ALARA concept, its relationship to work procedures and work conditions, and in recourses available if they feel that the ALARA philosophy is not being promoted on the job.


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