


Radioactive waste will be disposed of by the following methods:

  • Disposal of 1.85 kBq (0.05 mCi), or less, of H-3, C-14 or I-125 per gram of animal tissue, animal waste, plant tissue or soil and bedding waste averaged over the mass of the contents of a container may be disposed of as non-radioactive waste. Individual containers shall not exceed 7.5 cubic feet in volume.

    Containers with this waste will be surveyed with a Ludlum Model 3-survey meter equipped with a Model 44-9-pancake probe or equivalent. No material exhibiting detectable activity above background, when surveyed as described above, will be disposed of by this method.

    All material to be disposed of by this method will have been collected as radioactive waste and will have been documented as containing licensed material. The concentration in each container will be calculated from the documented activity. Where more than one radionuclide is present, the following calculation shall be performed.   

    where: Qi =activity and Mi = mass
    and where: SA (mCi/g) must be £ 0.05 mCi/g

    The purpose of this disposal method is to greatly reduce radioactive waste volumes while maintaining doses to the public ALARA.

  • Disposal of H-3, C-14, and I-125 in liquids containing concentrations of licensed material less than 0.05 mCi/g may be disposed of as non-radioactive waste. These liquids shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable US EPA regulations. Disposal of liquids by this method shall be limited to materials that cannot be disposed of to sewage. The concentration in each container will be calculated from the documented activity. Where more than one radionuclide is present, the following calculation shall be performed.

    where: SA (mCi/g) must be £ 0.05 mCi/g

    The purpose of this disposal method is to greatly reduce radioactive waste volumes while maintaining doses to the public ALARA.

  • Decay-in-Storage of radioactive material with a physical half-life of less than 120 days before disposal with the following provisions:
    • Radioactive waste to be disposed of shall be held for a minimum of ten half-lives.

    • Radiation surveys shall be performed prior to disposal of waste to ensure that the waste's radioactivity cannot be distinguished from background radiation levels. The waste package or container surface shall be surveyed with an appropriate radiation detection instrument set on its most sensitive scale, with no interposed shielding between the detector and the waste, in a low background radiation environment.

    • Records of monitoring shall be maintained to include: date placed in storage; date of disposal; manufacturer, model and serial number of the survey instrument used; background radiation levels; measured radiation levels; and the identity of the individual performing the monitoring. All visible radiation labels shall be removed or obliterated.

  • Analyzed wipes, and swabs containing less than 0.005 μCi shall be disposed of without regard to radioactive content. Prior to disposal, packages containing wipes, swabs and leak tests will be surveyed with a Ludlum Model 3 survey meter equipped with a Model 44-9 pancake probe or equivalent. No samples exhibiting detectable activity above 2x background, when surveyed as described, will be disposed of by this method. This will enable reducing waste volumes by more than an order of magnitude while maintaining doses to the public ALARA.

  • Any method permitted by IDNS regulations.


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Radioactive waste will be disposed of by the following methods:

  • Disposal of 1.85 kBq (0.05 mCi), or less, of H-3, C-14 or I-125 per gram of animal tissue, animal waste, plant tissue or soil and bedding waste averaged over the mass of the contents of a container may be disposed of as non-radioactive waste. Individual containers shall not exceed 7.5 cubic feet in volume.

    Containers with this waste will be surveyed with a Ludlum Model 3-survey meter equipped with a Model 44-9-pancake probe or equivalent. No material exhibiting detectable activity above background, when surveyed as described above, will be disposed of by this method.

    All material to be disposed of by this method will have been collected as radioactive waste and will have been documented as containing licensed material. The concentration in each container will be calculated from the documented activity. Where more than one radionuclide is present, the following calculation shall be performed.   

    where: Qi =activity and Mi = mass
    and where: SA (mCi/g) must be £ 0.05 mCi/g

    The purpose of this disposal method is to greatly reduce radioactive waste volumes while maintaining doses to the public ALARA.

  • Disposal of H-3, C-14, and I-125 in liquids containing concentrations of licensed material less than 0.05 mCi/g may be disposed of as non-radioactive waste. These liquids shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable US EPA regulations. Disposal of liquids by this method shall be limited to materials that cannot be disposed of to sewage. The concentration in each container will be calculated from the documented activity. Where more than one radionuclide is present, the following calculation shall be performed.

    where: SA (mCi/g) must be £ 0.05 mCi/g

    The purpose of this disposal method is to greatly reduce radioactive waste volumes while maintaining doses to the public ALARA.

  • Decay-in-Storage of radioactive material with a physical half-life of less than 120 days before disposal with the following provisions:
    • Radioactive waste to be disposed of shall be held for a minimum of ten half-lives.

    • Radiation surveys shall be performed prior to disposal of waste to ensure that the waste's radioactivity cannot be distinguished from background radiation levels. The waste package or container surface shall be surveyed with an appropriate radiation detection instrument set on its most sensitive scale, with no interposed shielding between the detector and the waste, in a low background radiation environment.

    • Records of monitoring shall be maintained to include: date placed in storage; date of disposal; manufacturer, model and serial number of the survey instrument used; background radiation levels; measured radiation levels; and the identity of the individual performing the monitoring. All visible radiation labels shall be removed or obliterated.

  • Analyzed wipes, and swabs containing less than 0.005 μCi shall be disposed of without regard to radioactive content. Prior to disposal, packages containing wipes, swabs and leak tests will be surveyed with a Ludlum Model 3 survey meter equipped with a Model 44-9 pancake probe or equivalent. No samples exhibiting detectable activity above 2x background, when surveyed as described, will be disposed of by this method. This will enable reducing waste volumes by more than an order of magnitude while maintaining doses to the public ALARA.

  • Any method permitted by IDNS regulations.


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