Restricted Purchases
6.1 - Carpeting and Furniture
6.2 - Copiers
6.3 - Equipment Leases
6.4 - Insurance
6.5 - Legal Services
6.6 - Externally Funded Purchases
6.7 - Trademark Licensing
6.8 - Bottled Water
6.1 Carpeting and Furniture
The University has implemented a standard design for all spaces which must be maintained by the Manager of Design Services. This includes all furniture, carpet and window treatments.
To order product, please use the information on the website to complete a Purchase Requisition and forward to Purchasing. Choices can be made to fit budgetary restrictions by upgrading or downgrading finishes and sizes. For further assistance with your project, you may contact Susan Yanek.
6.2 Copiers
¹û¶³´«Ã½ maintains a copier fleet for all University departments through a lease negotiated with an approved Pre-Qualified Supplier. The provider was selected based on responses received from a Request for Proposal as well as supplier presentations. The selection of a copier provider follows the University Purchasing Policy. This process ensures that the University received pricing and contract terms based on the University’s various master agreements.
Contact the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Purchasing Manager at (312)915-8780 with any questions or concerns about the University Copier Program.
6.3 Equipment Leases
All equipment leases must be coordinated, reviewed and executed by the Purchasing Department. This coordination and review will ensure that the rates being charged are competitive, that the terms and conditions of the lease are reasonable and do not create undue risk for the University, and that appropriate and alternative funding mechanisms have been explored. Purchasing also ensures that all appropriate terms and conditions of the equipment manufacturer have been reviewed, negotiated and are acceptable to the University. When necessary, higher levels of University management approval will be coordinated by Purchasing.
6.4 Insurance
University insurance needs are covered by University insurance contracts. The Risk Management Department is responsible for obtaining coverage to protect University property, goods and automobiles, and to protect the University from liability claims. Property damage insurance includes fire, theft and transportation coverage.
Risk Management has established standard levels of insurance required of suppliers who will be working on University property or providing selected goods and services. In cases where a supplier’s insurance or levels of insurance deviate from the standard levels, the University Risk Manager must approve the existing supplier levels or provide alternate levels or modified indemnification language for the contract prior to the transaction taking place. If there are questions about the current coverage, suggestions for additional coverage, changes to property/equipment condition, or questions from suppliers related to levels of required insurance for all campuses, direct them to the .
6.5 Legal Services
Consult the Office of General Counsel about legal services, or any legal questions, notices or problems regarding University business.
6.6 Externally Funded Purchasing
Many research grants, cooperative agreements or contracts have clauses restricting the purchase of certain materials, equipment, services and renovations. All purchases using externally funded accounts must be approved by Sponsored Program Accounting.
SPA will:
- Ensure that funds are available.
- Identify whether any equipment being procured is government owned/titles.
- Obtain approval for the purchase from the sponsoring agency, if needed.
- Call the Principal Investigator to resolve discrepancies.
- Verify compliance and make copies for their files, if needed.
If the request is approved and the acquisition is less than $5,000 the purchase can be made using either a ProCard (if within the transaction spending limitations of the cardholder), or a purchase order in the Lawson system. If the transaction will equal or exceed $5,000 a purchase order in the Lawson system must be used.
If the transaction will equal or exceed $5,000 with a non Pre-Qualified Supplier, its associated Lawson PO will also require approval by the Purchasing Department who will:
- Verify all rationale and necessary supporting documentation is complete, accurate and adequate.
- Verify compliance with all Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Federal Acquisition Regulations, as applicable.
- Make and maintain permanent files with the supporting documentation for audit purposes.
6.7 Trademark Licensing
¹û¶³´«Ã½ Marketing and Communications coordinates the licensing of the University logo. The University uses the Licensing Resource Group (LRG) to handle the licensing of the University logo. Please contact University Marketing and Communications regarding the use of the University logo and trademarks.
6.8 Bottled Water
The sale of bottled water is prohibited on the Lakeside Campuses of the University. This extends to all University activities and the vendors serving these areas including vending machines, dining halls, internal catering, and on-campus retail outlets. The purpose of this initiative stems from a student-led campaign regarding the privatization of fresh water in 2012; UnCap LUC. UnCap LUC is a campaign to educate the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ community on the issues associated with corporate ownership of a resource necessary for life - water. Students groups, Student Environmental Alliance (SEA) in partnership with ¹û¶³´«Ã½'s Unified Student Government Association (USGA) focused on the growing concern of local water privatization and fair access to water on a global level. In March 2012 ¹û¶³´«Ã½ students voted to end the sale of bottled water on campus. For more information relating to this cause, please visit the Un-Cap LUC Home Page by clicking here.
6.1 - Carpeting and Furniture
6.2 - Copiers
6.3 - Equipment Leases
6.4 - Insurance
6.5 - Legal Services
6.6 - Externally Funded Purchases
6.7 - Trademark Licensing
6.8 - Bottled Water
6.1 Carpeting and Furniture
The University has implemented a standard design for all spaces which must be maintained by the Manager of Design Services. This includes all furniture, carpet and window treatments.
To order product, please use the information on the website to complete a Purchase Requisition and forward to Purchasing. Choices can be made to fit budgetary restrictions by upgrading or downgrading finishes and sizes. For further assistance with your project, you may contact Susan Yanek.
6.2 Copiers
¹û¶³´«Ã½ maintains a copier fleet for all University departments through a lease negotiated with an approved Pre-Qualified Supplier. The provider was selected based on responses received from a Request for Proposal as well as supplier presentations. The selection of a copier provider follows the University Purchasing Policy. This process ensures that the University received pricing and contract terms based on the University’s various master agreements.
Contact the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Purchasing Manager at (312)915-8780 with any questions or concerns about the University Copier Program.
6.3 Equipment Leases
All equipment leases must be coordinated, reviewed and executed by the Purchasing Department. This coordination and review will ensure that the rates being charged are competitive, that the terms and conditions of the lease are reasonable and do not create undue risk for the University, and that appropriate and alternative funding mechanisms have been explored. Purchasing also ensures that all appropriate terms and conditions of the equipment manufacturer have been reviewed, negotiated and are acceptable to the University. When necessary, higher levels of University management approval will be coordinated by Purchasing.
6.4 Insurance
University insurance needs are covered by University insurance contracts. The Risk Management Department is responsible for obtaining coverage to protect University property, goods and automobiles, and to protect the University from liability claims. Property damage insurance includes fire, theft and transportation coverage.
Risk Management has established standard levels of insurance required of suppliers who will be working on University property or providing selected goods and services. In cases where a supplier’s insurance or levels of insurance deviate from the standard levels, the University Risk Manager must approve the existing supplier levels or provide alternate levels or modified indemnification language for the contract prior to the transaction taking place. If there are questions about the current coverage, suggestions for additional coverage, changes to property/equipment condition, or questions from suppliers related to levels of required insurance for all campuses, direct them to the .
6.5 Legal Services
Consult the Office of General Counsel about legal services, or any legal questions, notices or problems regarding University business.
6.6 Externally Funded Purchasing
Many research grants, cooperative agreements or contracts have clauses restricting the purchase of certain materials, equipment, services and renovations. All purchases using externally funded accounts must be approved by Sponsored Program Accounting.
SPA will:
- Ensure that funds are available.
- Identify whether any equipment being procured is government owned/titles.
- Obtain approval for the purchase from the sponsoring agency, if needed.
- Call the Principal Investigator to resolve discrepancies.
- Verify compliance and make copies for their files, if needed.
If the request is approved and the acquisition is less than $5,000 the purchase can be made using either a ProCard (if within the transaction spending limitations of the cardholder), or a purchase order in the Lawson system. If the transaction will equal or exceed $5,000 a purchase order in the Lawson system must be used.
If the transaction will equal or exceed $5,000 with a non Pre-Qualified Supplier, its associated Lawson PO will also require approval by the Purchasing Department who will:
- Verify all rationale and necessary supporting documentation is complete, accurate and adequate.
- Verify compliance with all Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Federal Acquisition Regulations, as applicable.
- Make and maintain permanent files with the supporting documentation for audit purposes.
6.7 Trademark Licensing
¹û¶³´«Ã½ Marketing and Communications coordinates the licensing of the University logo. The University uses the Licensing Resource Group (LRG) to handle the licensing of the University logo. Please contact University Marketing and Communications regarding the use of the University logo and trademarks.
6.8 Bottled Water
The sale of bottled water is prohibited on the Lakeside Campuses of the University. This extends to all University activities and the vendors serving these areas including vending machines, dining halls, internal catering, and on-campus retail outlets. The purpose of this initiative stems from a student-led campaign regarding the privatization of fresh water in 2012; UnCap LUC. UnCap LUC is a campaign to educate the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ community on the issues associated with corporate ownership of a resource necessary for life - water. Students groups, Student Environmental Alliance (SEA) in partnership with ¹û¶³´«Ã½'s Unified Student Government Association (USGA) focused on the growing concern of local water privatization and fair access to water on a global level. In March 2012 ¹û¶³´«Ã½ students voted to end the sale of bottled water on campus. For more information relating to this cause, please visit the Un-Cap LUC Home Page by clicking here.