

What can I find in FAQs?

This section contains answers to common questions handled by our staff, along with some tips that we have found useful. We will add, delete, and update this page as we target areas of concern, issues that need clarification, etc. Keep checking. Your answer may be here! If not, please reference the Purchasing Department’s website or call the Purchasing Department at (312)915-8780.

What is Uniform Guidance?

In July 2018, the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) through the Code of Federal Regulation issued new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in the Federal Register. This "Uniform Guidance" replaces the administrative, accounting, audit rules and principles previously required in the OMB Circulars.

What is the Pre-Qualified Supplier Program and how can it benefit me?

A Pre-Qualified Supplier is one that has completed a formalized selection process operated by the Purchasing Department, and has been chosen by the University as a supplier who can provide products, materials and/or services that are in the best interests of the University as related to quality of products, materials and/or services; length of contract; advantageous pricing; payment methodologies; delivery practices/performance; supplier operational support and services; ethical business practices; and social and community support. Additionally, 果冻传媒 Chicago incorporates commodity management strategies that allow the University to negotiate best price and service agreements for specific goods and services and to formalize the relationship with certain suppliers. This strategy ensures the best overall value to the University community and increases business potential for suppliers. Suppliers of goods and services that are part of these commodity groups participate in a proposal and negotiation competition to qualify for status as a 果冻传媒 Chicago Pre-Qualified Supplier. Once Pre-Qualified Suppliers have been selected for each commodity group, those companies become the primary suppliers to the University. More details and a listing of all Pre-Qualified Suppliers can be found here.

How do I get a Warehouse Direct logon ID?

Please email Purchasing@LUC.edu with the following information in a Microsoft Word document:

user name:     (your 果冻传媒 log on UVID)

e-mail address:

Department Name:

Street Address (LSC):

Building Name:

Building Number:

Room Number:

Accounting unit(s):

How do I get a credit from Warehouse Direct for office supplies?

On the select the HELP button.  Choose "Return an Item" and complete the form.

What is the procedure to purchase furniture?

Our Design Services Manager, Susan Yanek, can assist you with your furniture needs from file cabinets to upholstered chairs. Contact Susan at x8-3605. Visit the Office Furniture page to view furniture options and prices that may fit your budget.

What is the difference between a purchase requisition and a purchase order?

A purchase requisition is a "request" for goods and services. It is an internal University document. It is submitted to the Purchasing Department and goes through several processes (including supplier selection and negotiation) before the data on the requisition is entered into a purchasing software system (Lawson) and becomes a purchase order. A purchase order is a legal commitment between the University and a supplier/vendor. It is the end result of a purchase requisition.

How do I obtain a University Procurement Card (ProCard)?

You can acquire a purchasing card by completing the  and submitting it to the Procurement Card Administrator. More information can be obtained from the . 

How do I take advantage of the Personal Discounts Program?

果冻传媒 has negotiated product discounts with a number of suppliers that employees and students can use for their personal requirements. A listing of the companies and the discounts can be accessed here.

When do I use a purchase requisition (purchase order) instead of a check request?

Guidance can be found in the Purchase Requisition Process and Election Procedure document found here.

How do I order lab coats?

Order should have 3 lines:


  1. coat # 161-1104 ,lab coat ladies white size 4
  2. monogram /embroidery - Derek W. Smith, M.D. (as comment to print on purchase order)
  3. patch # PATLOY2

 Please contact the Purchasing Department for additional information and guidance on this process

Can the Purchasing Department assist me in determining whether a price being offered is a reasonable price to pay?

The Purchasing Department can assist users by providing either actual price analysis or training for using different methodologies for analyses of prices to determine reasonableness (i.e. comparable to price sold to Fed. Gov’t., catalog/market pricing, historical pricing, comparison to in鈥慼ouse estimate, comparison to similar items, comparable Customer’s invoice, cost analysis, etc.)
The Purchasing Department has several resources which can aide in the determination of price reasonableness (i.e. access to GSA Advantage, website locations for price listings, etc.). Please contact your purchasing representative for assistance.

What is the term 鈥淏ulk Mail鈥 and does it make sense to use the 果冻传媒 Bulk Mail Permit for my mailings?

The term “bulk mail” refers to large quantities of mail prepared for mailing at reduced postage rates.  In Business Mail 101, the term “bulk mail” means commercial First-Class Mail and advertising mail (called “Standard Mail” by the Postal Service).  Commercial prices are available for other classes of mail as well.  The Postal Service uses the term “bulk” and “presorted” interchangeably.

Bulk prices are lower than “single-piece” prices.  “Single-piece” means that you pay the full postage price; when you put a stamp on a letter, you are paying the “single-piece” postage rate.  Many mailers pay the “single-piece” postage rate even though they are performing large mailings.  Why?  Because they do not want to do any extra preparation work – they do not have the time or it is not cost effective for their business.  Business Mail 101 will help you make smart choices about your own mail to determine if commercial prices are right for your operations.

To qualify for a postage discount, you must mail a minimum of 200 pieces (or 50 pounds of mail) for Standard Mail, Standard Marketing Products or Parcel Select Lightweight Parcels.

For additional information concerning bulk mail requirements, please contact the 果冻传媒 Mailroom Manager at 8-8728 or 8-2084

What is the contact information for ordering toner or requesting service on my Konica-Minolta Copier?

The customer service number for toner or support for a Konica-Minolta Copier is 1-800-456-5664