

Selected Recent Publications


Grigorescu, Alex. Lockean Liberalism in International Relations, 2024, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Elements Series (with Claudio Katz).

Kao Jay, Xiaobo Lü, and Didac Queralt. "." Political Science Research and Methods. 2024;12(1):146-165.

Doherty, David, Raluca Pavel, Maddie Jackson, and Dana Garbarski. 2024. "" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 24:121-144.

Vivas Bastidas, Juanita, Maria Akchurin, Dana Garbarski, and David Doherty. 2024. "" The Sociological Quarterly 65:38-60.

Molly Melin and Alexandru Grigorescu. “Connecting International and Domestic Dots: How Conflict Entanglement Informs Resolution and Escalation”. 2024. International Journal of Conflict Management. 35(1):4-29.


Grigorescu, Alex.  Restraining power through institutions: A unifying theme for domestic and international politics, 2023, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Condon, Meghan, and Amber Wichowsky. 2023. “.” Current Psychology 42:12728–1273.

Crisp, Brian F., and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2023. “.” British Journal of Political Science 53(3) 1061–1069.

Cunha Silva, Patrick. 2023. "." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 33(3): 462-478.

Cunha Silva, Patrick. 2023. "." Party Politics 29(1): 153-163.

DeCook, Julia R., and Jennifer Forestal. 2023. “.” American Behavioral Scientist, 67(5): 629–648. 

Treul, Sarah A., and Eric R. Hansen. 2023. "Primary Barriers to Working Class Representation." Political Research Quarterly 76(3): 1516-1528.

Kao, Jay C., Amy H. Liu, and Chun-Ying Wu. 2023. “.” Political Research Quarterly 76(2): 622–35.

Markarian, G. Agustin. 2023. “.” American Politics Research 51(3): 414–430.

Melin, Molly M., and Jacob D. Kathman 2023. “.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 40(4):398-418.

Melin, Molly M., Santiago Sosa, Andres Velez-Calle, and Ivan Montiel. 2023. “War and International Business: Insights from Political Science.” AIB Insights 23(1): 1-6.


Blajer de la Garza, Yuna. 2022. “The Meek and the Mighty: Two Models of Oppression.” European Journal of Political Theory 21(3): 491-513.

Camarena, Kara Ross. 2022. “.” World Development 158: 105960.

Demirkaya, Betül, Patrick Cunha Silva, and Brian F. Crisp. 2022. "." Electoral Studies 79: 102496.

Doherty, David. 2022. "What Can Conjoint Experiments Tell Us about Americans' Abortion Attitudes?" American Politics Research 50: 147-156 

Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2022. Small Power: How Local Parties Shape Elections. Oxford University Press.

Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael Miller. 2022. "" Public Opinion Quarterly 86: 523-546. 

Doherty, David and Kate Hansen. 2022. "" Politics, Groups, and Identities 10: 705-714.

Navarrete, Keyla, Skky Martin, Dana Garbarski, and David Doherty. 2022. "" Illinois Municipal Policy Journal 7: 93-112.

Forestal, Jennifer. 2022. Designing for Democracy: How to Build Community in Digital Environments. Oxford University Press.

Hansen, Eric R. 2022. "White Constituents and Congressional Voting." American Politics Research 50(4): 564-82.

Kenwick, Michael R., and Sarah Maxey. 2022. “.” Journal of Politics 84(4): 1963-78.  

Maboudi, Tofigh. 2022. The “Fall” of the Arab Spring: Democracy’s Challenges and Efforts to Reconstitute the Middle East. Cambridge University Press.

Maboudi, Tofigh and Ghazal P. Nadi. 2022. “.” Political Research Quarterly 75(2): 441-57.

Maboudi, Tofigh, Ghazal P. Nadi, and Todd Eisenstadt.  2023. “.” Government and Opposition, 58(3), 576-597.

Maxey, Sarah. 2022. “” International Politics 59(5): 802-826.

O’Brochta, William, and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2022."." Political Research Quarterly 75(4): 1037-1050.


Ang, Milena, and Yuna Blajer de la Garza. 2021. "" Constitutional Political Economy 32: 346-75.

Avdeyeva, Olga A., and Richard E. Matland. 2021. "Gender-Trait and Ethnic Biases in Russian Regions: Ethnic Integration, Regional Economics, and Women in Local Politics." Politics & Gender 17(4): 720-45.

Avdeyeva, Olga, and Molly Melin. 2021. "International Socialization, International Politics, and the Spread of State Bureaucracies for Women's Advancement." Journal of Human Rights  20(4): 396-413.

Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2021. "The Conditional Effect of Local Party Organization Activity on Federal Election Outcomes." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 31:368-387.

Forestal, Jennifer. 2021. “” Journal of Politics (83)1: 306-32.

Forestal, Jennifer. 2021. “” Political Studies (69)1: 26-44.

Hansen, Eric R., and Joshua Jansa. 2021. “Complexity, Resources, and Text Borrowing in State Legislatures.” Journal of Public Policy 41(4): 752-775.

Hansen, Eric. R., and Sarah A. Treul. 2021. "." Research & Politics 8(3).

Hansen, Eric R. and Andrew Tyner. 2021. "Educational Attainment and Social Norms of Voting." Political Behavior 43(2): 711-35.

Kao, Jay C. 2021. "." Public Opinion Quarterly 85(1): 54–78.

Maxey, Sarah. 2021. "" Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(2-3): 283-312. 

Melin, Molly. 2021. . Oxford University Press.

Melin, Molly. 2021. “The Business of Peace: Understanding Corporate Contributions to Conflict Management.” International Interactions 47(1): 107-134.

Miller, William T., Christina A. Campbell, and Twyla Larnell. 2021. "Bias Detected? An Examination of Criminal History Using the OYAS-DIS for Girls and Black Youth." Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 19(2): 101-19.

Sanchez, Peter M., David Doherty, and Kirstie L. Dobbs. 2020. “Skin Color and System Support in Latin America.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics 6: 352-372.

Saraceno, Joseph, Eric R. Hansen, and Sarah A. Treul. 2021. “Reevaluating the Substantive Representation of LGB Americans: A Multiverse Analysis.” Journal of Politics 83(4): 1837-43.

Schumacher, Michael J., and Peter J. Schraeder. 2021. "Does Domestic Political Instability Foster Terrorism? Global Evidence from the Arab Spring Era (2011-14)." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 44(3): 198-222.


Grigorescu, Alex. Lockean Liberalism in International Relations, 2024, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Elements Series (with Claudio Katz).

Kao Jay, Xiaobo Lü, and Didac Queralt. "." Political Science Research and Methods. 2024;12(1):146-165.

Doherty, David, Raluca Pavel, Maddie Jackson, and Dana Garbarski. 2024. "" State Politics & Policy Quarterly 24:121-144.

Vivas Bastidas, Juanita, Maria Akchurin, Dana Garbarski, and David Doherty. 2024. "" The Sociological Quarterly 65:38-60.

Molly Melin and Alexandru Grigorescu. “Connecting International and Domestic Dots: How Conflict Entanglement Informs Resolution and Escalation”. 2024. International Journal of Conflict Management. 35(1):4-29.


Grigorescu, Alex.  Restraining power through institutions: A unifying theme for domestic and international politics, 2023, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Condon, Meghan, and Amber Wichowsky. 2023. “.” Current Psychology 42:12728–1273.

Crisp, Brian F., and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2023. “.” British Journal of Political Science 53(3) 1061–1069.

Cunha Silva, Patrick. 2023. "." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 33(3): 462-478.

Cunha Silva, Patrick. 2023. "." Party Politics 29(1): 153-163.

DeCook, Julia R., and Jennifer Forestal. 2023. “.” American Behavioral Scientist, 67(5): 629–648. 

Treul, Sarah A., and Eric R. Hansen. 2023. "Primary Barriers to Working Class Representation." Political Research Quarterly 76(3): 1516-1528.

Kao, Jay C., Amy H. Liu, and Chun-Ying Wu. 2023. “.” Political Research Quarterly 76(2): 622–35.

Markarian, G. Agustin. 2023. “.” American Politics Research 51(3): 414–430.

Melin, Molly M., and Jacob D. Kathman 2023. “.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 40(4):398-418.

Melin, Molly M., Santiago Sosa, Andres Velez-Calle, and Ivan Montiel. 2023. “War and International Business: Insights from Political Science.” AIB Insights 23(1): 1-6.


Blajer de la Garza, Yuna. 2022. “The Meek and the Mighty: Two Models of Oppression.” European Journal of Political Theory 21(3): 491-513.

Camarena, Kara Ross. 2022. “.” World Development 158: 105960.

Demirkaya, Betül, Patrick Cunha Silva, and Brian F. Crisp. 2022. "." Electoral Studies 79: 102496.

Doherty, David. 2022. "What Can Conjoint Experiments Tell Us about Americans' Abortion Attitudes?" American Politics Research 50: 147-156 

Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2022. Small Power: How Local Parties Shape Elections. Oxford University Press.

Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael Miller. 2022. "" Public Opinion Quarterly 86: 523-546. 

Doherty, David and Kate Hansen. 2022. "" Politics, Groups, and Identities 10: 705-714.

Navarrete, Keyla, Skky Martin, Dana Garbarski, and David Doherty. 2022. "" Illinois Municipal Policy Journal 7: 93-112.

Forestal, Jennifer. 2022. Designing for Democracy: How to Build Community in Digital Environments. Oxford University Press.

Hansen, Eric R. 2022. "White Constituents and Congressional Voting." American Politics Research 50(4): 564-82.

Kenwick, Michael R., and Sarah Maxey. 2022. “.” Journal of Politics 84(4): 1963-78.  

Maboudi, Tofigh. 2022. The “Fall” of the Arab Spring: Democracy’s Challenges and Efforts to Reconstitute the Middle East. Cambridge University Press.

Maboudi, Tofigh and Ghazal P. Nadi. 2022. “.” Political Research Quarterly 75(2): 441-57.

Maboudi, Tofigh, Ghazal P. Nadi, and Todd Eisenstadt.  2023. “.” Government and Opposition, 58(3), 576-597.

Maxey, Sarah. 2022. “” International Politics 59(5): 802-826.

O’Brochta, William, and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2022."." Political Research Quarterly 75(4): 1037-1050.


Ang, Milena, and Yuna Blajer de la Garza. 2021. "" Constitutional Political Economy 32: 346-75.

Avdeyeva, Olga A., and Richard E. Matland. 2021. "Gender-Trait and Ethnic Biases in Russian Regions: Ethnic Integration, Regional Economics, and Women in Local Politics." Politics & Gender 17(4): 720-45.

Avdeyeva, Olga, and Molly Melin. 2021. "International Socialization, International Politics, and the Spread of State Bureaucracies for Women's Advancement." Journal of Human Rights  20(4): 396-413.

Doherty, David, Conor M. Dowling, and Michael G. Miller. 2021. "The Conditional Effect of Local Party Organization Activity on Federal Election Outcomes." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 31:368-387.

Forestal, Jennifer. 2021. “” Journal of Politics (83)1: 306-32.

Forestal, Jennifer. 2021. “” Political Studies (69)1: 26-44.

Hansen, Eric R., and Joshua Jansa. 2021. “Complexity, Resources, and Text Borrowing in State Legislatures.” Journal of Public Policy 41(4): 752-775.

Hansen, Eric. R., and Sarah A. Treul. 2021. "." Research & Politics 8(3).

Hansen, Eric R. and Andrew Tyner. 2021. "Educational Attainment and Social Norms of Voting." Political Behavior 43(2): 711-35.

Kao, Jay C. 2021. "." Public Opinion Quarterly 85(1): 54–78.

Maxey, Sarah. 2021. "" Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(2-3): 283-312. 

Melin, Molly. 2021. . Oxford University Press.

Melin, Molly. 2021. “The Business of Peace: Understanding Corporate Contributions to Conflict Management.” International Interactions 47(1): 107-134.

Miller, William T., Christina A. Campbell, and Twyla Larnell. 2021. "Bias Detected? An Examination of Criminal History Using the OYAS-DIS for Girls and Black Youth." Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 19(2): 101-19.

Sanchez, Peter M., David Doherty, and Kirstie L. Dobbs. 2020. “Skin Color and System Support in Latin America.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics 6: 352-372.

Saraceno, Joseph, Eric R. Hansen, and Sarah A. Treul. 2021. “Reevaluating the Substantive Representation of LGB Americans: A Multiverse Analysis.” Journal of Politics 83(4): 1837-43.

Schumacher, Michael J., and Peter J. Schraeder. 2021. "Does Domestic Political Instability Foster Terrorism? Global Evidence from the Arab Spring Era (2011-14)." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 44(3): 198-222.