


Radiation survey instruments used for regulatory compliance measurements will be calibrated by a service company authorized to perform such services. A copy of the company’s license authorizing such services will be maintained.

Radiation survey instruments used for regulatory compliance measurements will be calibrated on an annual basis. Records of calibrations shall be maintained on-site pursuant to 32 IAC 340.1130.

A measurement of the reading of portable survey meters used for regulatory compliance with a long-lived dedicated check source (i.e. greater than 5 years) shall be performed and recorded after calibration or repair. An operability check with the check source shall be performed before each day of use. If any reading taken with the same geometry is not within ± 20% of the reading taken after the most recent calibration, then the survey instrument will be taken out of service, repaired if necessary and recalibrated. A record of the operability check will be maintained each time the instrument is calibrated. Notwithstanding the operability check commitment, survey meters in storage shall not be checked. These shall have an operability check before being placed back in service.


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Radiation survey instruments used for regulatory compliance measurements will be calibrated by a service company authorized to perform such services. A copy of the company’s license authorizing such services will be maintained.

Radiation survey instruments used for regulatory compliance measurements will be calibrated on an annual basis. Records of calibrations shall be maintained on-site pursuant to 32 IAC 340.1130.

A measurement of the reading of portable survey meters used for regulatory compliance with a long-lived dedicated check source (i.e. greater than 5 years) shall be performed and recorded after calibration or repair. An operability check with the check source shall be performed before each day of use. If any reading taken with the same geometry is not within ± 20% of the reading taken after the most recent calibration, then the survey instrument will be taken out of service, repaired if necessary and recalibrated. A record of the operability check will be maintained each time the instrument is calibrated. Notwithstanding the operability check commitment, survey meters in storage shall not be checked. These shall have an operability check before being placed back in service.


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