
Siena, Palazzo Publico, Ambrogio Lorenzetti: The Good Government, second quarter 14th century

Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies

Why Choose Medieval Studies?

Your future employers—whatever you decide to do—want to see evidence of your broad range of interests, your skills in assessing and interpreting evidence, your critical thinking abilities, your foundation in the humanities, your keen curiosity about the world, your adaptability in using different methods and techniques to solve problems and your communication skills.

All of these skills and more are honed in the Medieval Studies minor. In addition, you will find that the cultural worlds of the Middle Ages are endlessly fascinating, both evocative of our age and very remote from it. In the Medieval Studies Program you will discover great literature, profound philosophy, groundbreaking theology, fabulous art and some the most interesting people you'll ever meet.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Theresa Gross-Diaz: tgross@luc.edu 
Director, Medieval Studies Program
Associate Professor, Department of History

Medieval Studies Minor

2023-2024 Lecture Series

Join us for an exciting series of lectures!

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