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FORMCHECKBOX  Male  FORMCHECKBOX  Female mo/day/yr City of Birth:  FORMTEXT       Country of Birth:  FORMTEXT       Country of Citizenship:  FORMTEXT       Country of Legal Permanent Residence:  FORMTEXT       E-mail address:  FORMTEXT       Highest degree earned and area of study:  FORMTEXT       Name of institution where you study in your home country:  FORMTEXT       Level of study:  FORMTEXT       What date will you hope to arrive in the U.S. to begin your program and what date do you plan to complete your project?  FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT      to  FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT      mo/day/yr mo/day &>@D  " , . 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FORMTEXT       *Please include a copy of your passport with this form. *Please include proof of enrollment at the institution where you are studying with this form. *Please include proof of funding for a minimum of $1500/month U.S. dollars with this form. *You will also need to include proof of insurance to cover you in the U.S. during your visit. Will you be accompanied by any family members as dependents? If so, please provide the following information as well as additional proof of funding ($400/month per dependent): NameRelationship to YouBirth DateCity of BirthCountry of BirthCountry of Citizenship FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT      mo/day/yr FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT   / FORMTEXT      mo/day/yr FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       (((t)v)***<++,, h7$8$H$^hgd@C h7$8$H$^hgd`H hP7$8$H$gd`H 7$8$H$gd`H & F hh7$8$H$^hgd^` 7$8$H$gd} & F hh7$8$H$^hgdN xP8^8gd} ))))****:+<+@+|+++,, -&--.....@.D.T.Z.\.v.x.........ɼɶɰvfvjOh# h# U^Jjh# U^JhF h# ^J h}D?^J h# ^J hF ^JhF h-Q^J h ^J hdF^J h}^J h@C^Jh`Hh`H^Jh`H h`H^J hXfe^Jjh}U^JmHnHujh}U^Jj.h}h# U^J&,..F.\.x...$$7$8$H$Ifa$gd#  & F hh7$8$H$^hgd# ...////_NN6NN$ xP$Ifa$gd# $$7$8$H$Ifa$gd# kd$$Iflֈ H$<<<<<< t644 layt# ...../ / /////0/2/4/8/://R/T/V/Z/\/^/`/t/v/x////////////žşžžşžžşztdjh# h# U^J h# CJh}h# ^Jj'h^`h# Ujh^`h# U jh^`h# UmHnHuj;h^`h# U h^`h# jh^`h# Ujh# h# U^J h# ^Jjh# U^Jjh# U^JmHnHu'///////////00 0000(0*0,06080:0<0P0R0T0^0`0b0d0x0z0|000000o jh^`h# UmHnHujh^`h# U h^`h# jh^`h# Uj h# h# U^Jjh# h# U^Jjh# h# U^Jjh# U^JmHnHujh# h# U^Jjh# U^J h# ^J&//00:0b00N6$ xP$Ifa$gd# kd$$Iflֈ H$<<<<<< t644 layt# $$7$8$H$Ifa$gd# 0000000000000000000111 11 1"1,1.10121F1H1J1T1V1Z1深qajh# h# U^Jjnh# h# U^Jjh# U^JmHnHujh# h# U^Jjh# U^J h# ^J h# CJh}h# ^Jjh^`h# U h^`h# jh^`h# UmHnHujh^`h# Uj h^`h# U#00101X1Z1\1NE 7$8$H$gd# kdZ$$Iflֈ H$<<<<<< t644 layt# $$7$8$H$Ifa$gd# Z1\1h}h-Q^J21h:p}/ =!"#$% tDeCheck1tDeCheck2vDText44vDText45vDText46vDText47vDText48vDText49vDText53vDText50vDText51vDText52vDText47vDText48vDText49tDeCheck3tDeCheck4vDText54vDText55vDText56vDText57vDText58vDText59vDText60vDText61vDText44vDText45vDText46vDText47vDText48vDText49vDText63vDText64vDText65$$If!vh5<5<5<5<5<5<#v<:Vl t06,5<yt# vDText66vDText67vDText47vDText48vDText49vDText68vDText69vDText70$$If!vh5<5<5<5<5<5<#v<:Vl t06,5<yt# vDText71vDText72vDText47vDText48vDText49vDText73vDText75vDText74$$If!vh5<5<5<5<5<5<#v<:Vl t06,5<yt# @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No Listj@j # Table Grid7:V0 F!"sFHs~01UVxy@WX #.<Mdey  1 f p 00 0 0"0 0"0 000 000 00 00 00 00 0@0 0@0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0!"sFHs~01UVx@de 00 0 0*0 0*0 000 000 00 00 00 00@ 0@0@ 0@0@ 0 0 0 Z00`Z00Z00Z00Z0 0!0Z0"0#0X0$0%(0X00 h ~ j)./0Z1\1  " ,./0\1 !\1 GW]m2>D%*BRZj(.AMSdpveqwy     ) / 1 = @ B N Q S _ d p | G G FFFFFFFFFFFFFG$G$FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#Check1Check2Text44Text45Text46Text47Text48Text49Text53Text50Text51Text52Check3Check4Text54Text55Text56Text57Text58Text59Text60Text61Text63Text64Text65Text66Text67Text68Text69Text70Text71Text72Text73Text75Text74H^3C[Bdfz  q   !"XnESk/Twx  0 $  $ #$ lz!$ $ D&#$ \$ ԟ$ $$ #$ |#11??66  55CC;;  8 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCityB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region9 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace      vy,0t} 33333"Ys2~1V e 1 p   IY*}8d+ʃV,0d7[0OrJv}D?dF>K-Q\VXfeD(vK:_5} @C`HD$Q#kNj'CR8>N f^`0 #.<Mdey  1 p 0@q4  (UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5& zaTahomaG5  hMS Mincho-3 fg?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"hzզ[{զzզ q=q=!24d  2QHX)?-Q24Procedures for Exchange Visitors  Visiting ScholarsInformation ServicesInformation Technology Services<         Oh+'0 $8 `l    8Procedures for Exchange Visitors Visiting ScholarsInformation Services Normal.dot Information Technology Services5Microsoft Office Word@d@`|@)~@riq=՜.+,04 hp  ý Chicago ' 5Procedures for Exchange Visitors Visiting Scholars Title  !"#%&'()*+,-./023456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ[\^_`abcdgRoot Entry F/XʊiData $1Table1.FWordDocument4FSummaryInformation(UDocumentSummaryInformation8]CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q