Anne-Marie Rhodes
John J. Waldron Professor of Law
Anne-Marie Rhodes is ¹û¶³´«Ã½'s John J. Waldron Professor of Law and currently teaches courses in estate-and-gift tax, income tax, estate planning, trusts and estates, art law, and comparative law. She joined the faculty after graduation from Harvard Law School and work with Schiff, Hardin & Waite, in both its Chicago and Washington offices. She established with Professor Thomas Haney the Law School's international programs in Rome and Santiago. She was elected an Academic Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC), has served as a Regent, on the Board of Trustees of the ACTEC Foundation, and as co-chair of its Legal Education Committee for three years. Her University work has included service on the Advisory Board of the Martin D'Arcy Gallery, on the Executive Team of the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Family Business Center at the Quinlan School of Business, and as a Faculty Mentor to the University's Center for Faculty Development. Her law school service has included the Faculty Appointments Committee; Curriculum Committee; International Programs Committee; Public Interest Law Society; Arts & Law Society; Self-Study Committee; Space Committee; and Tenure and Promotion Committee, several of which she chaired. She is Of Counsel to the Chicago office of Reed Smith, L.L.P.
Professor Rhodes was the Verner F. Chaffin Visiting Professor at the University of Georgia School of Law for spring 2018, was Visiting Professor at the University of Tennessee School of Law spring of 2008 and was a Visiting International Faculty Member at Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile in its tax-certificate program for a number of years. She has been invited to present to academic symposia and private organizations locally, nationally, and internationally, including the Chicago Estate Planning Council, Duke University Estate Planning Conference, Notre Dame Tax and Estate Planning Institute, the College Arts Association, Harvard Law School, Second Symposium on Legal Aspects of International Art Trade in Geneva, Switzerland, Conference on Artists’ Archives and Estates (Università Milano Bicocca), Art and Law/ 57th Biennale Arte 2017, ACTEC symposium at UCLA on Succession Law in the 21st Century, and AALS. She has provided commentary in Washington, D.C. to the IRS.
The topics of her publications include issues in estate tax, estate planning, trusts and estates, and art law. She has two published casebooks: Art Law &Transactions (Carolina Academic Press 2011), and Fundamentals of Federal Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Taxes (West Academic 2017).
BA, Albertus Magnus College
JD, Harvard
Professional/Community Affiliations
American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, Legal Education Committee
Chicago Estate Planning Council
Publications/Research Listings
Books & Book Chapters
Fundamentals of Federal Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Taxation (West, forthcoming 2017)
Art Law & Transactions, Carolina Academic Press (2011) and Teacher's Manual
Law Review Articles
with Erica E. Lord, Smith v. Shaughnessy: Slippery Remainders and the Intersection of Gift and Estate Taxes, - ACTEC L. J. – (forthcoming 2017)
Notarized Wills, 27 Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal 419 (2014)
Valuing Art in an Estate: New Concerns, 31 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 45 (2012-2013)
Blood and Behavior, 36 ACTEC Law Journal 143 (2010)
Law of Philanthropy in the 21st Century: An Introduction to the Symposium, 85 Chicago-Kent Law Review 469 (2010)
On Inheritance and Disinheritance, 43 Real Property, Trust & Estates Law Journal 433 (Fall 2008)
Consequences of Heirs’ Misconduct: Moving From Rules to Discretion, 33 Ohio Northern University Law Review 975 (2007) (symposium presentation)
On Art Theft, Tax, and Time: Triangulating Ownership Disputes Through the Tax Code, 43 San Diego Law Review 495 (2006)
Big Picture, Fine Print: The Intersection of Art and Tax, 26 Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts 179 (2003)
Abandoning Parents Under Intestacy: Where We Are, Where We Need To Go, 27 Indiana Law Review 517 (1994)
Committee Co-Author, Valuation of Assets: A Life or Death Dilemma, 22 Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal 175 (1987)
Committee Co-Author, The Issuance and Redemption Under Section 303 of a Preferred Stock Dividend In Order to Prevent Dilution of an Estate’s Voting and Equity Interests in a Closely Held Corporation, 21 Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal 331 (1985)
Committee Co-Author, Internal Revenue Challenge to Valuation of Assets After Statute of Limitations Has Expired, 20 Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal 1113 (1985)
Individual, Couple or Family? The Unit of Taxation for Transfer Tax Purposes: A Shifting Focus, 17 Akron Law Review 575 (1984)
The Medium of Payment: An Unexplored Option in Estate Tax Reform, 57 Notre Dame Lawyer 285 (1981), reprinted in Monthly Digest of Tax Articles 33 (February 1983), excerpted in John Henry Merryman, Albert E. Elsen, Law, Ethics and the Visual Arts (2d ed. 1987, 3d ed. 1999, 4th ed. 2002, 5th ed. 2007)
with Samuel C. Thompson, Jr., An Initial Analysis of Section 83 Regulations, BNA Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal 3 (1979)
Other Writings
Enforceability of Predispute Arbitration Provisions, Jotwell Trusts & Estates, February 25, 2016 (reviewing Mary F. Radford, Predispute Arbitration Agreements Between Trustees and Financial Services Institutions: Are Beneficiaries Bound?, 40 ACTEC L.J. 273 (2014) (invited author)
Memories of George Anastaplo, 45 ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago law Journal 924 (2014)
To Praise Testator’s Speech, Jotwell Trusts & Estates, September 13, 2013 (reviewing David Horton, Testation and Speech, 101 Georgetown Law Journal 61 (2012)) (invited author)
Philosophizing About Discriminatory Gifts, Jotwell, (published January 2012) (review of Matthew Harding, , 31 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 303 (2011)) (invited author)
Engagement Letters, Trusts & Estates 25 (Apr. 2008)
Letter, 117 Tax Notes 827 (Nov. 19, 2007) (responding to Professor Wendy Gerzog’s article Valuing Art in an Estate, 117 Tax Notes 619 (Nov. 5, 2007))
with Susan D. Snyder, Passing the Baton of Voting Control, 142 Trusts & Estates 38 (2003)
Contributor, Gerald F. Hess, Steven Friedland, Techniques For Teaching Law 355-56 (1999)
Is Dation en Paiement a Good Idea for the United States? A Tax Lawyer’s Perspective, in International Sales of Works of Art/La Vente Internationale de Oeuvres d’Art (Marline Brat ed.) (1990)
Are Employer Bequests Income?, 36 (13) Tax Notes 1305 (Sept. 28, 1987).
Illinois’ Unintentional Disinheritance: A Mother’s Posthumous Child, VIII Women’s Law Reporter 1 (Spring 1985), in conjunction with P.A. 84-390 (Sept. 16, 1985), amending Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 110½, § 2-3 (1983)
The New Powerless Woman, V Women’s Law Reporter 5 (1981)
Rights of Woman: The Origins, IV Women’s Law Reporter 1 (1980)
Selected Presentations
What’s in a Name? Navigating Charitable Gifts and Issues involving Naming Rights, Suburban Chicago Planned Giving Council (April 19, 2017)
Art and Estate Planning, Kansas City Estate Planning Society (January 19, 2017)
The Power of Artists Foundations in the U.S., Conference on Artists’ Archives and Estates: Cultural Memories between Law and Market, Università Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy, November 28-29, 2016
Illinois Descent and Distribution: Timeless Principles or Time for Change?, Chicago Estate Planning Council, September 21, 2016
Issues with Art and Other Collectibles in the Administration of Trusts and Estates, American Bankers Association teleconference, September 8, 2016 (presenter)
Art Endures, Laws Change – Now What?, ACTEC Fall Meeting, Monterey, California, October 17, 2015 (with Jane Levine)
What Your Clients Really Care about: Planning for and Dealing with Treasured Art and Collectibles, ACTEC Summer Meeting, Quebec City, June 20, 2015 (panelist)
Art as an Asset, The Northern Trust Company Senior Advisors Summit, May 8, 2015
How Art Transforms Law: Whistler, Brancusi, Klimt, and Their Legal Legacies, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago School of Law, March 2015
Estate Planning for a Survivor – Some Choices and Flexibility, Women in the Law Committee, Chicago Bar Association, February 2015
Legal Reform and Grantors' Jurisdictional Options: The Implications of Freedom, Section of Trusts and Estates, AALS Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., January 3, 2015
Notarized Wills, Wills, Trusts & Estates Meets Gender, Race and Class Conference, Oklahoma City University School of Law, September 28, 2013
How Art Transforms Law: From Whistler to Rauschenberg, The Helen Farr Sloan Legacy Lecture at Delaware Art Museum, November 7, 2013
Authenticity and Legal Liability, International Society of Appraisers Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 15, 2013
Ethics Roundtable, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Chicago, Illinois, March 2012 (Moderator & Panelist) (created format and hypotheticals and repeated with my permission at the AFP’s international conference), March 2013
When an Estate Includes Art, Texas Tech University School of Law Symposium on Estate Planning, Lubbock, Texas, February 2011
The Law of Philanthropy in the 21st Century, Chicago-Kent/ACTEC Symposium, Chicago, Illinois (Moderator), 2009
Ethical Issues and What to Do Ethically when Winding Down a Legal Practice: The Practical Ethics of Closing Up Shop, Either as the One Who Closes Up or the One Who Takes Over, The Duty of Diligence, 2008 Notre Dame Tax and Estate Planning Institute, University of Notre Dame Law School (Speaker & Moderator), September 25-26, 2008
What Estate Planners Should Know about Art, Knoxville Estate Planning Council, March 27, 2008
Law Journal 2008 Conference: Tax Law in a Liberal Democracy: Exploring the Relationship between Tax and Good Governance,¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago School of Law (Moderator), March 14, 2008
Blood and Behavior, ACTEC Foundation UCLA Symposium on Succession Law in the 21st Century, UCLA School of Law, February 8, 2008
Art, Authenticity and Tax, AALS Annual Meeting, New York, New York, Section on Art Law, January 3, 2008
Ethical Issues and The Rise of the Engagement Letter in Estate Planning, 2007 Notre Dame Tax and Estate Planning Institute, University of Notre Dame Law School (Speaker & Moderator), October 12, 2007
Tax 101: Federal Estate and Gift Taxes, ABA Young Lawyers’ Section, ABA-CLE New Lawyer Series for Newly Admitted Illinois Attorneys, Chicago, Illinois, March 30, 2007
Consequences of Heirs’ Misconduct, Symposium, Frontiers of Estate Planning: Changing Laws for Changing Times, Ohio Northern University, Claude W. Petitt College of Law, Ada, Ohio, March 23, 2007
Workshop: So You Want to Teach?, ACTEC Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona (Moderator), March 10, 2007
Inaugural Lecture, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile, Diplomado de Tributación Corporativa e Internacional, June 2005
On Art Theft, Tax, and Time, Arts & Law Society, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 15, 2005
The Surprising Impact of the Illicit Art Trade on Tax and Art Historians, 92nd College Art Association Conference (CAA), Seattle, Washington, February 2004
Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Loyally Representing a Trustee with an Ethical Duty of Loyalty, Sixth Annual Advanced ALI-ABA Course of Study for the Estate Planner, Litigator, and Corporate Fiduciary Counsel: Representing Estate and Trust Beneficiaries and Fiduciaries, Chicago, Illinois, July 17-18, 2003
When Titans Meet: Developing Rules of Engagement for Art and Law, Martin D’Arcy Museum of Art, Crimes of Passion: A Cutting Edge Conference on Art and Law, Chicago, Illinois, March 29, 2003
Conflicting Interests in Cultural Property, IBC USA, 3rd Annual Global Family Office Summit, Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gabels, Florida, February 11, 2003
Fundamentals of Estate Planning, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago Family Business Center, Chicago, Illinois, April 22, 1999
Trust Law and Income Taxation, Introduction to the United States Legal System, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Porto Allegre, Brazil, August 1998
Workshop on Estate Planning, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago Family Business Center, Chicago, Illinois, June 1996
Panelist, Ethical Concerns for the Estate Planning Team: A Panel Discussion from the Perspective of the Insurance Agent, Accountant, and Attorney, Chicago Estate Planning Council, Chicago, Illinois, January 24, 1996, repeated at Trust Law Section, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, June 17, 1996
Trust Law and Estate Planning, Financial Services Section, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 5, 1991
Testimony on legal education, ABA McCrate Commission, Washington, D.C., January 4, 1991
Presentation at the public hearings on proposed regulations to §102(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, Washington, D.C., June 2, 1988
Dation en Paiement, Second Symposium on Legal Aspects of International Art Trade, Geneva, Switzerland, April 14-16, 1988
Alternative Careers, Harvard Law School Association Celebration 35, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 8-10, 1988
Estate Planning for the Minority Shareholder, CLESN: Representing the Minority Shareholder in a Closely-Held Corporation, New York, New York, 1988
Conference on Women and Careers in Law, Women’s Bar Association of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois (Panelist), October 17, 1981
Academic Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Austin Fleming Distinguished Service Award, Chicago Estate Planning Council (2016)
Professor of the Year, School of Law (2015)
Role Model, Harvard Law Society-Illinois (2015)
Super Lawyer-Illinois, Estate Planning & Probate (2010 to present)