

Staff and Visiting Scholars

With the creation of CURL, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago greatly increased its commitment to university/community partnerships in the rebuilding of Chicago's neighborhoods. This partnership is further strengthened through its staff which reflects the capabilities and knowledge base of both the academic and community experiences.
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Christine George

Title/s:  Associate Research Professor

Office #:  Granada Center, 433.2

Phone: 773.508.8533

Email: cgeorg@luc.edu

CV Link: Christine George CV 2014


PhD Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Graduate Program in Human Development and Social Policy. 2001. Dissertation title "A State's Shaping of a Federal Welfare Initiative: The Illinois Policy Process and the JOBS Program."

M.A. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Graduate Program in Human Development and Social Policy. 1992.

B.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Major concentration in American History, minors in Political Science and Spanish. 1969.

Selected Publications




Pathways into Shelter (coauthored with Susan Grossman & Marta Lundy). (Forthcoming/Accepted for publication). In Angela Browne-Miller, ed. Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis: Vol 3: Characteristics and Consequences.

The Role of Relationships Building in Research Partnerships (2011). In Philip Nyden, Leslie Hossfeld, and Gwendolyn Nyden, eds. Public Sociology: Research, Action, and Change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

Shelter and Service Receipt for Victims of Domestic Violence (coauthored with Susan Grossman, Marta Lundy and Sonya Crabtree Nelson). 2010, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25 (11).

Older Women at the Edge: Economic Disparities of Older Women (coauthored with Susan Grossman & Julie Hilvers). (Forthcoming/Accepted for Publication). In Kilbane, Older Women: Current and Future Challenges of Professionals with an Aging Population.

Falling through the Cracks: Health Care Needs of the Older Homeless Population and their Implications. (coauthored with Dennis P Watson and Christopher Walker), 2008. In J.J. Kronenfield (ed.), Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health Concerns: Impacts on Patients, Providers and Policy. Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 26. JAI Press: Bingley, UK.

Connecting Fractured Lives to a Fragmented System: Chicago Housing for Health Partnership (co authored with Anne Figert, Jennifer Nargang Chernega, Sarah Stawiski, & Arturo Valdivia Bendixen.)  2008. Equal Opportunities International. 27:2, 161-180.

Welfare Reform in Illinois: Recent efforts in the context of the national debate (co-authored with D.A. Lewis & D. Puntenney). 1999. In Larry Joseph (ed.). Families, poverty, and welfare reform: confronting a new policy era. Chicago, Il: Center for Urban Research and Policy Studies, University of Chicago; Champaign, Il: Distributed by University of Illinois Press.


‌Provider Survey Results: A Preliminary Evaluation of Chicago's Plan to End Homelessness (with Michael Sosin, Susan Grossman, John Orwat, Julie Hilvers, Koonal Patel, Dennis Watson, and Dana Wagner). July, 2012. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Evaluation of Chicago's Plan to End Homelessness: Youth Component (with Cesraea Rumpf, Julie Shevrin, Michael Sosin, and Susan Grossman). June, 2012. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Evaluation of the Homelessness Prevention Call Center (with Julie Hilvers, Koonal Patel, and Diana Guelspie). December, 2011. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Evaluation of the 100,000 Homes Campaign in Chicago (with Cesraea Rumph, Angela Muccino, and William Bolton). December, 2011. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Final Wave Survey Results: A Preliminary Evaluation of Chicago's Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness (with Michael Sosin, Susan Grossman, Julie Hilvers, and Koonal Patel). August, 2011. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Reports from Qualitative Research Components Conducted Summer 2009 for the Evaluation of Chicago's Plan to End Homelessness (with Susan Grossman, Michael Sosin, Julie Davis, Julie Hilvers, Cesraea Rumph, and Reuben Miller). October, 2010. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

First Wave Survey Results: A Preliminary Evaluation of Chicago's Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness (with Michael Sosin, Susan Grossman, Julie Hilvers, and Julie Davis). 2010. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Analysis of Shelter Utilization by Victims of Domestic Violence (with Susan Grossman, Marta Lundy, Cesraea Rumpf, and Sonia Crabtree-Nelson). 2010. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

Homeless Over 50: The Graying of Chicago's Homeless Population. (with J. Wittner, M. Krogh and D. Watson). 2008. Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness: Chicago.

Connecting Fractured Lives to a Fragmented System: A Process Evaluation of the Chicago Housing for Health Partnership (with A. Figert, J. Chernaga & S. Stawiski). 2006. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

"From the Perspective of Diverse Users: Evaluation Results of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line, Executive Summary" (with M. Fugate, N. Haber, and S.Stawiski). 2006. Center for Urban Research and Learning: Chicago.

Providing a Citywide System of Single Access to Domestic Violence Information, Resources, and Referrals to a Diverse Population: An Evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Helpline (with M.Fugate, N. Haber, and S. Stawiski). 2005. Final Technical Report submitted to National Institute of Justice.

Evaluation of Partnership for Health Care Access Project of Chicago Health Outreach (CHO) and Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (C4). 2005. Final Technical Report Submitted to HERSA and SAMSHA.

Transcending Boundaries: Investigating Domestic Violence Among South Asian Immigrant Women. (with Sharma, A. and Sabina, C). 2005. Chicago, Illinois: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Hardly a leg to stand on: The Civil and Social Rights of Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence. 2005. Chicago, Illinois: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Anawim Community Dispersion and Needs Assessment Study: A Study of Native Americans in Cook and Lake Counties. October, 2004. Chicago, Illinois: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Assessment of American Indian Health Needs in Metropolitan Chicago (with Diana Veloso and Chiara Sabina). September, 2004. Chicago, Illinois: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Coming Home: The Role of Supportive Services in Helping Homeless Men and Women Break the Cycle of Homelessness (with Chiara Sabina and Aparna Sharma. August, 2004. Chicago, Illinois: United Power of Action and Justice.

Building Local Capacity: The Early Childhood Network (with Lourdes Paredes). October, 2002. Chicago, Illinois: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Providing a Way Station: A study of the Joint Apna Ghar and The Enterprising Kitchen Program to Provide Employment Services to Immigrant Women Victims of Domestic Violence (with Rafah Abuinnab). July, 2002. Chicago, Illinois: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Joyce Foundation Grantees and Capacity Building: A Survey Report (with Louis Delgado and Nelson Portillo). March 2002. Chicago, IL: ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Center for Urban Research and Learning and Philanthropy & Nonprofit Sector Program.

An Evaluation of Service Use and Satisfaction at Lathrop Homes and Henry Horner Homes (with Joseph Hoereth, Nicole Rousseau, Jennifer Nargang, & Arianne Harper). August 2001.  Chicago, IL: Center for Urban Research and Learning.

A Report on the Collaborative Evaluation of the STRIVE Career Path Project (with Mary Jo Bartl & Dana Rivers). January, 2001. Chicago, Il: Center for Urban Research and Learning

Factors Influencing a Successful Transition from Welfare to Work (with Lisa Speicher). December, 2000. Chicago, IL: Center for Urban Research and Learning.

Health Care Jobs: A Review (with L. Berman. R. Sewell, K. Raube, E. Linne, A.Strauber). May, 1995. Chicago, IL: Chicago Jobs Council.

Caught in the Act of Doing Something Worthwhile (with Susan Lloyd). June, 1993. Evanston, IL: Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research.

Illinois Facts on Teenage Pregnancy: A 1992 Briefing. 1992. Chicago, IL: Illinois Caucus on Teenage Pregnancy.

The Illinois Department of Public Aid's Welfare to Work Programs for Teenage Parents (with C. Flynn, J, Knauss, O. Medina, & B. Shupe). 1992. Chicago, IL: Illinois Caucus on Teenage Pregnancy.

Preventing Teenage Pregnancy-Supporting Young Parents (with J. Knauss). 1991 Chicago, IL: Illinois Caucus on Teenage Pregnancy.

We Know the Cost of Teenage Pregnancy (with J. Knauss). 1991. Chicago, IL: Illinois Caucus on Teenage Pregnancy.

Welfare and Teenagers: Guidelines for Evaluating Reform Proposals (with D. Fager, T. Finnegan, J. Knauss, & A. Saltzberg). 1989. Chicago, IL: Illinois Caucus on Teenage Pregnancy.

Review of the Family Support Act of 1988 Provisions that Affect Young Parents. 1988. Chicago: Illinois Caucus on Teenage Pregnancy.


"Diversity of Chicago's Homeless Population." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Las Vegas, August, 2011.

"Life stages and the Aging of the Homeless Population." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, August 8, 2009.

"Identity of the Older Homelessness." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, New York. August, 2008.

"The Ageing of the Homeless Population." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Baltimore, Maryland, May, 2008.

"Developing a Community Based Collaborative Research Project." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, New York. August. 2007.

"Connecting Fractured Lives to a Fragmented System." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, New York. August, 2007.

"Evaluation of City of Chicago Help Line: Preliminary Findings." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada. August, 2006.

"Private-Public Partnership in Delivery of a Municipal Domestic Violence Services." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Montreal, Canada. May, 2006.

"Community partners and learning: The interaction of resources and identity." Paper presenting at the Linking Adults with Community Conference, DePaul University, October, 2005.

"Hardly a leg to stand on: The Civil and Social Rights of Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence." Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference, Advancing Science and Society Interactions, Seville, Spain. February, 2005.

"Limits to Empowerment: The Interactions of Immigration Status and Social Policy on the Options of South Asian Domestic Violence Victims." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco. August, 2004.

"Designing and Using Research as part of an Advocacy Agenda to Address Homelessness." Paper presented at the Society for Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. August, 2004.

"Factors Influencing a Successful Transition from Welfare to Work" (Co-authored with Lisa Speicher). Paper presented at the Institute for Women's Policy Research Sixth Conference, Washington, D.C. June, 2001

"A partnership for Self-Sufficiency." (Co-authored with Rafah Abuinnab, Kathleen McCourt, Jennifer Nargang & Lisa Speicher.) Paper presented at the Institute for Women's Policy Research Sixth Conference, Washington, D.C. June, 2001.

"Welfare Reform In Illinois." American Sociological Association Annual Conference, New York, New York. August, 1996.

"Reconsidering Life Course, Gender, and Social Policy: A Panel Discussion." Northwestern University, Lecture Series, Human Development and Social Policy. December, 1995

"Children Having Children: Framing of Public Policy." Northern Illinois University Social Research Institute colloquium series on Gender and Public Policy, DeKalb, Illinois. March, 1993.

"Equity and Adequacy: US Social Security and Women's Discontinuous Work History and Changing Family Status." Presented at Life course and Social Policy: Interrelations, Contradictions and Changes, Graduate College Life course and Social Policy, University of Bremen, Germany. June 26, 1992.