


Ongoing work is well balanced between Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry. In addition there are adjunct faculty in the Biology and Physics Departments. Much of the current research transcends traditional boundaries to include fields such as bioorganic, bioinorganic, biophysical, and environmental chemistry. Weekly seminars and the annual Denkewalter Lecture (which brings the winner of either the American Chemical Society's Pure Chemistry or Eli Lilly awards to campus) provide an opportunity to learn about up to date advances from respected scientists from industry and academia.

Course Descriptions and Syllabi

Chemistry Schedules

  • View course schedules on LOCUS

Course Repeat Rule

Effective with the Fall 2017 semester, students are allowed up to THREE attempts to pass Chemistry courses with a C- or better grade. The three attempts include withdrawals (W). The Department advises that it is preferable to complete a course with a grade of C or C-, and to demonstrate growth in future coursework, than to withdraw from a course.

After the second attempt, the student must secure Department approval for a third attempt. Students must fill out the permission to register form: Permission to Register for Chemistry, and arrange a meeting with the Undergraduate Program Director, Assistant Chairperson, or Chairperson in Chemistry. If approved, a signed copy of this form is then sent to a student's Advising office to secure final permission for the attempt.


Ongoing work is well balanced between Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry. In addition there are adjunct faculty in the Biology and Physics Departments. Much of the current research transcends traditional boundaries to include fields such as bioorganic, bioinorganic, biophysical, and environmental chemistry. Weekly seminars and the annual Denkewalter Lecture (which brings the winner of either the American Chemical Society's Pure Chemistry or Eli Lilly awards to campus) provide an opportunity to learn about up to date advances from respected scientists from industry and academia.

Course Descriptions and Syllabi

Chemistry Schedules

  • View course schedules on LOCUS

Course Repeat Rule

Effective with the Fall 2017 semester, students are allowed up to THREE attempts to pass Chemistry courses with a C- or better grade. The three attempts include withdrawals (W). The Department advises that it is preferable to complete a course with a grade of C or C-, and to demonstrate growth in future coursework, than to withdraw from a course.

After the second attempt, the student must secure Department approval for a third attempt. Students must fill out the permission to register form: Permission to Register for Chemistry, and arrange a meeting with the Undergraduate Program Director, Assistant Chairperson, or Chairperson in Chemistry. If approved, a signed copy of this form is then sent to a student's Advising office to secure final permission for the attempt.