

More Past Catholic Minds, Catholic Matters Lectures

Science, Faith, and Progress
September 17th 2014—3:30±è.³¾.–5:00±è.³¾.

A lecture by Fr. Paul Mueller, S.J., Vatican Observatory

In his lecture, Fr. Mueller explored a belief that is fundamental for all the Abrahamic religions: the belief that the human race is at the center of God's love and concern. Modern science has shown that the human race has been in existence for only a brief span of time, in a small and unremarkable corner of a universe that is unimaginably large and extraordinarily old. From a scientific perspective, it seems methodologically pernicious, morally presumptuous, and just plain contrary to reason to believe that the human race is of cosmic importance, or that it has been chosen above all others by the God of the universe. Fr. Mueller proposed a creative re-framing of this issue. He explored a way of thinking about the (alleged) cosmic importance of the human race that avoided scientific and moral objections and that opened new paths for progress in science and faith.

Jesuits and Sports: Historical Perspectives and Resources for Our Times
January 31st2013

A lecture by Fr. Patrick Kelly, S.J., associate professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Seattle University.

In his book  Fr. Kelly, S.J. provides a historic overview of the changing Catholic views towards sports, broadens traditional understanding of the interconnectedness between spirituality and athletics, and explains why this topic has been neglected by scholars. The author offers new insights on the contributions of Catholic thought and its relevance to sports today. 

Rethinking Christianization 
October 16th, 2012

Lecture by , John Cardinal Cody Endowed Chair, Department of Theology, LUC.

In his book In the Name of God: The Making of Global Christianity Lupieri traces the consequences of European war and conquest for global cultural identities from the age of exploration to the present. He exposes the economic and political justifications and motivations behind the European conquest and uncovers the religious roots of genocide, racism, and 'just war.'

Catholic Actors in the Third Wave of Democratization:
Lessons for the Arab Spring and the Muslim Fourth Wave

April 12th, 2012

Lecture by , Department of Sociology, Georgetown University.

Dr. Casanova has published works in a broad range of subjects, including religion and globalization, migration and religious pluralism, transnational religions, and sociological theory. Co-sponsored by the Islamic World Studies Program, LUC. Watch video for this lecture

The Catholic Calumet: Colonial Conversations in French and Indian North America
March 28th, 2012 

Lecture by , Department of History, Creighton University.

Dr. Leavelle's first book, The Catholic Calumet: Colonial Conversions in French and Indian North America, examines the nature of spiritual encounters between Catholic missionaries and American Indians in colonial North America. The work explores such issues as the translation and reception of religious concepts, the impact of gender and generational differences on Native responses to Christianity, and the role of religion in shaping colonial geographies. Co-sponsored with Departments of English, History, Theology and the University Libraries.

Holy Fathers, Abusive Fathers, and the Missing Father:
How Catholic Schools Cure Urban Poverty

December 1st, 2011

Lecture by Patrick J. McCloskey, MS, School of Education, LUC.  Klarcheck Informations Commons, 4th Floor, Lake Shore Campus, LUC 
Watch video of this lecture

A Catholic Origin of Human Rights
February 28th, 2011

Lecture by Fr. Robert John Araujo,S.J., the inaugural holder of the John Courtney Murray, S.J. University Professorship at ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago, School of Law.
Watch video of this lecture.

Food for the Body, Food for the Soul: Hunger and 
Catholic Social Teaching

December 2nd, 2010
Lecture by Kathleen Maas Weigert. University research professor.
Watch video of this lecture

Religion and Public Discourse about Bioethics   
November 12th, 2010 
Lecture by Catholic bioethicist Fr. William Stempsey, S.J. College of Holy Cross. Simpson Hall Multipurpose Room, LSC.

Montaigne, God, and Other 
March 25th, 2010
, associate professor, Department of Modern Languages, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago.
Watch video of this lecture.

Still Learning from the Exorcist: 
Catholicism and American Film

February 2nd, 2010
, professor of History and Sterling M. McMurrin Professor of Religious Studies, University of Utah.
DVD available for viewing.

Reawakening to the Relationship
Between Study and Worship 

October 29th, 2009  

Fr. John C. Haughey, S.J., Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University.
Watch video of this lecture.

Paths to Muslim-Christian Dialogue:
The Role of Forgiveness in Islamic Jurisprudence
September 17th, 2009
, associate professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law.
Watch video of this lecture.

God, if you are up there, prove it: 
Eugene O’Neill and the Absence of God  

February 16th, 2009 

Lecture by , professor, Department of Fine and Performing Arts, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago, illustrative scenes performed by students from the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. 
Watch video of this lecture.

Of Elves and Angels: J.R.R. Tolkien as a Catholic Thinker
January 29th, 2009
Mark McIntosh, professor, Department of Theology, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago.
Watch video of this lecture.

Augustine on the Legacy of Plato's Academy  
October 23rd, 2008  
, Dept. of Philosophy, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago.
Watch video of this lecture.

Sexually Abusive Priests and Church Law: A Study in Institutional Meltdown  
October 16th, 2008
Dr. Nicholas P. Cafardi, Duquesne University School of Law.
Watch video of this lecture.

Pedro Arrupe and the Faith that Does Justice   
March 26th, 2008
Dr. Kevin Burke, S.J. of the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. 
Watch video of this lecture.

Don Quijote de la Mancha: Conflicted Catholic?  Miguel de Cervantes and Baroque Catholicism in Spain 
February 7th, 2008 

Dr. Carole Holdsworth, Dept. of Modern Languages, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago. 
Watch video of this lecture.

The Catholic Intellectual University and the Contemporary University
November 26th, 2007
, faculty of Theology, University of St. Mary of the Lake

Faithful Architecture: Catholic Thought, Catholic Buildings   
October 30th, 2007
Dr. Denis R. McNamara, Liturgical Institute, University of St. Mary of the Lake

Science and Worship:  God, Time, and 
the Vatican Observatory

March 29th, 2007
Dr. William Stoeger, S. J., astrophysicist, Vatican Observatory.
Watch video of this lecture.

Dissonance or Harmony? 
The Symphonic Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

November 15th, 2006
, Dept. of Theology, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Chicago

Denise Levertov:  
The Poet as Pilgrim,  the Pilgrim as Poet?

October 19th, 2006
Dr. Albert Gelpi, Emeriti, Dept. of English, Stanford University