
果冻传媒 Chicago

Composer Archive

The pieces below have been played on the recital series since its inception in October of 2008.

UPDATED ON: July 20, 2024

Akerley, George
          A Sweet for Mother Goose

Alain, Albert
          Carillon de Bougival
          Largo (Prière)

Alain, Jehan
          Choral Cistercien (sans no. JA)
          Choral Dorian
          Deux Dances à Agni Yavishta
          Deuxième Fantaisie
          Le Jardin suspendu
          Premiere Fantaisie
          Trois Danses
          Variations sur un theme de Clément Jannequin

Albert van Eijken, Jan
          Op. 13: Sonata I, C minor, (On the Passion Chorale)

Albright, William
          Organ Book III
          Sweet Sixteenths: Concert Rag for Organ

Alkan, Charles
          Adagio, from Deux Etudes pour Piano

          Batalha de 6. Tom (17th Century)

Aubertin, Valery
          Passacaille (from Sonata I in Deuxieme livre d'orgue)

Bach, Johann Sebastian
          Alle Menschen Mussen Sterben
          BWV 74 Aria from Wer mich liebet, der win mein Wort halten
          BWV 490 Pastorale in F Major
          BWV 523 Prelude and Fugue in D Major
          BWV 525 Sonata No. 1 in E Flat
          BWV 526 Sonata No. 2 in C Minor
          BWV 527 Sonata No. 3 in D Minor
          BWV 528 Sonata No. 4 in E Minor
          BWV 529 Sonata No. 5 in C Major
          BWV 530 Sonata No. 6 in G Major
          BWV 531 Prelude and Fugue in C Major (Fanfare)
          BWV 532 Prelude and Fugue in D Major
          BWV 538 Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Dorian
          BWV 539 Prelude and Fugue in D Minor, Fiddle
          BWV 540 Toccata and Fugue in F Major
          BWV 541 Prelude and Fugue in G Major
          BWV 542 Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor
          BWV 543 Prelude and Fugue in A Minor
          BWV 545 Prelude and Fugue in C Major
          BWV 547 Prelude and Fugue in C Major
          BWV 548 Prelude and Fugue in E Minor
          BWV 549 Prelude and Fugue in C Minor
          BWV 550 Prelude and Fugue in G Major
          BWV 552 Prelude and Fugue in E Flat Major
          BWV 553 Prelude and Fugue in C Major
          BWV 556 Prelude and Fugue in F Major
          BWV 565 Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
          BWV 566 Toccata in E major
          BWV 568 Prelude in G
          BWV 572 Pièce d’Orgue
          BWV 576 Fugue in G
          BWV 577 Fugue in G Major, The Gigue
          BWV 582 Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor
          BWV 590 Pastorale (Bach's Memento-Widor)
          BWV 593 Allegro from Concerto in A Minor
          BWV 595 Concerto in C Major
          BWV 599 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
          BWV 600 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
          BWV 601 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
          BWV 618 O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig
          BWV 622 O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß
          BWV 627 Christ ist Estranden
          BWV 645 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
          BWV 653 An Wasserflüssen Babylon
          BWV 654 Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele’
          BWV 655 Trio Super: Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend
          BWV 656 O Lamm Gottes
          BWV 659 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
          BWV 662 Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
          BWV 663 Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
          BWV 664 Trio Super: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
          BWV 666 Jesus Christus undser Heiland
          BWV 667 Komm, Gott Schopfer, Heileger Gesit
          BWV 668 Vor Deinen Thron Tret'Ich Hiermit
          BWV 671 Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist
          BWV 679 Fughetta super Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot
          BWV 684 Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
          BWV 733 Fugue on the Magnificat
          BWV 762 Vater unser im Himmelreich
          BWV 1128 Chorale Fantasy on Wo Gott der Herr
          Cantata 21, Ich hatta viel Bekummerniss, arr. Grace
          Cantata 29, Sinfonia, trans. Dupré
          Cantata 80, Ein feste Burg, arr. Near
          Dona nobis pacem (Mass in b-minor)

Baiocchi, Regina Harris
          Doxology (2011) *World Premiere

Baker, George
          Prelude on The Lone Wild Bird
          Procession Royale
          Te Deum (dedicated to Damin Spritzer)
          Variations on Rouen

Balbastre Claude-Bénigne
          Trio à Trois Mains
          Marche des Marseillois et l'air Ça-ira
          Noël II, Vol. II: Noël Suisse «Il est un petit l’ange»
          Noël III, Vol. I: «Où S'en vont Ces gais Bergers»

Balderston, Mahlon
          Vigiles et Sancti

Barber, Samuel
          Adagio for Strings
          Wondrous Love (variations on a shape-note hymn)f

Bates, William H.
          Partita on Crucifer

Becker, René Louis
          Postlude in D Minor (c.1924)
          Op. 40, First Sonata in G
               I. Praeludium Festival
               V. Toccata
          Op. 42, Cantilene

Bédard, Denis
          Salve Regina
          Suite for Organ: II. Lamento
          Variations on "Amazing Grace"

Beethoven, Ludwig van
          Symphony No. 6, Op. 68, Mvmt 1

Behnke, John
          O Come, O Come Emmanuel
          This Little Light of Mine

Bender, Jan
          Missa pro Organo, Op. 52 (complete)

Bernstein, Leonard
          Overture to Candide (trans. Conte)

Berthier, Jacques
          Partita on Wachet Auf!

Biery, Marilyn
          Meditation on the Love of God

Billingham, Richard
          Reflection on Give Me Jesus

Bish, Diane
          Toccata on Easter Hymn

Bitgood, Roberta
          Chorale Prelude on God Himself is With Us

Bloch, Ernest
          Prayer for the “Jewish Life,” No. 1

Boëllmann, Léon
          Op. 25: Suite Gothique

Böhm, Georg
          Partita, Freu dich sehr o meine Seele
          Partita, Praise, Thanks, and Adoration
          Vater Unser Im Himmelreich

Bolcom, William
          Gospel Preludes, Book 1
               What a Friend We Have in Jesus
               La Cathédrale engloutie (Rock of Ages)
               Just as I Am
          Gospel Preludes, Book 2 (complete)
          Gospel Preludes, Book 4
               Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
               Sweet Hour of Prayer
               Free Fantasia on 'O Zion Haste / 'How Firm a Foundation'

Bonnet, Joseph
          Variations de Concert

Bonvin, S.J., Ludwig
          Christmas Night Dream

Bossi, Enrico
          Etude Symphonique, Op. 78

Bourgeois, Derek
          Op. 22: Serenade for Organ
          Op. 87: Variations on a them of Herbert Howells

Boulanger, Nadie
          Prelude in F
          Three Pieces for Organ

Bovet, Guy
          Hamburger Totentanz

Brahms, Johannes
          Capriccio, Op. 76. No. 2
          Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 2
          Rhapsodie, Op. 119, No. 4
          Op. 122: No. 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10
          Prelude and Fugue in G Minor

Bret, Julien
          La Valse des Anges

Brewer, A. Herbert
          Marche Heroique

Bridge, Frank
          Adagio in E

Britten, Benjamin
          A Ceremony of Carols

Bruch, Max
          Kol Nidrei

Bruhns, Nicholas
          Præludium in E minor, "The Great"
          Præludium in E minor, "The Little"
          Præludium in G major

Buxtehude, Dieterich
          BuxWV 136: Praeludium in C Major
          BuxWV 137: Praeludium in C Major
          BuxWV 139: Praeludium in D Major
          BuxWV 140: Praeludium in D Minor
          BuxWV 146: Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
          BuxWV 149: Praeludium in G Minor
          BuxWV 156: Toccata in F Major
          BuxWV 194: Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
          BuxWV 223: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
          Magnificat Primi Toni

Buzard, Stephen
          Conditor alme siderum

Cabezón, Antonio
          Diferencias sobre el canto llano del caballero

Callahan, Charles
          Prelude in C
          Prelude on "Immaculate Mary"

Calvière, Antoine
         Pièce d'orgue

Chapman, Keith
          Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella

Christie, James David

Clarke, Andrew
          Fantasy on an Irish Ballad

Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas
          Suite du Deuxième Ton

Cochereau, Pierre
          Berceuse à la mémoire de Louis Vierne
          Boléro sur un theme de Charles Racquet
          Scherzo Symphonique (arr. Filsell)
          Variations sur “Frère Jacques” for Organ

Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
          Op. 78, No. 1: Impromptu in F Major
          Op. 78, No. 3: Impromptu in A Minor

Cook, John

Corbett, Nathalie
          Contemplation de la Vierge Marie

Corrette, Gaspard
          Messe du 8 Ton Pour Orgue: Tierce en Taile, Basse de Trompette

Couperin, François
          Mass for the Convents
          Mass for the Parishes

d'Aquin, Louis-Claude
          Nouveau Livre de Noëls: No. 10

Davies, H. Walford
          Solemn Melody

Decker, Pamela
          Faneuil Hall

DeGrigny, Nicolas
          Récit de tierce en taille
          Tierce en Taille
          Veni Creator Spiritus

DeLamarter, Eric
          Four Ecologues: "You Raise the Flute to Your Lips"

Demarest, Clifford
          Fantaisie for Organ and Piano

Demessieux, Jeanne
          Op. 5, Trois Études
          Op. 8, Douze Choral-Préludes
          Op. 11, Te Deum
          Répons pour le temps de Pâques

Dethier, Gaston M.
          Christmas (Variations on Adeste Fidelis)

Doppelbauer, Josef
          Partita in C minor

Dove, Jonathan
          The Dancing Pipes (2016)

Doyen, Henri
          Noël ancien

Du Mage, Pierre
          Premier livre d'Orgue: Grand Jeu

Dubois, Theodore
          Chant Pastoral No. 2 in C Minor
          Toccata in G Major

Dupré, Marcel
          Op. 7, No. 1: Prelude and Fugue in B Major
          Op. 7, No. 2: Prelude and Fugue in F Minor
          Op. 9, No. 4: Laudate
          Op. 13: Prélude sur l’Introit de l’Épiphanie
          Op. 18: Ave Maris Stella
          Op. 19: Cortège et litanie
          Op. 20: Variations sur un Vieux Noël
          Op. 21: Suite Breton
          Op. 23: Symphonie-Passion
          Op. 26: Deuxième Symphonie, I. Préludio
          Op. 27: Carillon
          Op. 33: Poéme Héroïque a Verdun
          Op. 34: Ave Verum
          Op. 41: Deux Esquisses (complete)
          Op. 45, No. 2 : Virgo Dei Genitrix

Duruflé, Maurice
          Op. 2: Scherzo
          Op. 4: Pré, Ado. et Ch. Var. on Veni, Creator Spiritus
          Op. 5: Suite pour Orgue
          Op. 7: Prélude et Fugue sur le com d’Alain
          Op. 9: Requiem
          Op. 11: Messe “Cum Jubilo”
          Op. 12: Fugue...du Carillon...Cathédrale de Soissons
          Op. 99, No. 2: Prélude et Fugue en B Majeur
          Op. Post., Meditation (1964)

Dvorák, Antonín Leopold
          Mass in D Major, B. 153
          Op. 99, B. 185: Biblické písne (Biblical Songs)
          Prelude and Fugue in D Major, B. 302

Eben, Petr
          Four Biblical Dance: 1. Dance of David before the Ark
          Moto Ostinato from Sunday Music

Edmunson, Garth

Elgar, Edward
          Chanson de Matin
          Pomp and Circumstance no. 1

Elmore, Robert
          Fantasy on Nursery Tunes
          Rhythmic Suite: Pavane

Escaich, Thierry
          Improvised Fantasy and Fugue on NEUMARK
          Improvisation in free style on "La Vie en Rose"
          Trois Poèmes: I. Eaux Natales
          Trois Poèmes: III. Vers l'Espérance

Fauchard, Auguste
          Le Mystère de Noël

Faulkes, William
          Grand Chorus

Fedak, Alfred V.
          Impression on "We Three Kings"
          Prelude from "Sonata for Worship"

Ferko, Franck
          Variations on "Veni Creatr Spiritus"

Fleury, André Fleury
          Variations sur un Noël bourguignon «Lor qu’en la saison qu’ai jaule»

Franck, César
          Chorale No. 1 in E Major
          Chorale No. 2 in B Minor
          Chorale No. 3 in A Minor
          Grand Pièce Symphonique
          Pièce Héroïque
          Prelude, fugue et variation
          L’Organiste: Suite in F major
          L'Organiste: Suite in G major/minor

Frazier, Mark W.
          The Whimsical Frustretude: A Perpetual Motion

Frescobaldi, Girolamo
          Toccata per I'Elevazione

Freyer, August
          Concert-Variationen E-dur, Op. 2

Gade, Niels
          Op. 22, No. 1: Drei Tonstücke für die Orgel

Gagne, Michael

Gates, Crawford
          Op. 65, Timpanogos Suite for Organ

Gawthrop, Daniel
          Floral Prelude on "Zehenspitzen durch die Tulpen"

Gershwin, George
          Rhapsody in Blue
          Someone to Watch Over Me

Gigout, Eugene
          Scherzo in E Major
          Toccata in B minor

Ginastera, Alberto
          Toccata, Villancico y Fuga

Grieg, Edvard
          Holberg Suite, Op. 40 (trans. David Enlow)

Grigny, Nicolas de
          Hymne: “Veni Creator” (Livre d’Orgue)

Gubaidulina, Sofia
          In Croce

Guilain, Jean-Adam Guillame
          Suite du Second Ton

Guilmant, Alexandre
          Fourth Sonata in D Minor, Op. 61, No. 1
          Grand Triumphal Chorus, Op. 42, No. 2
          March Religieuse, Op. 15, No. 2
          Marche Funèbre et Chant Séraphique
          Offertoire en deux noëls
          Sonata in D Minor, Op. 42, No. 1

Hailstork, Adolphus
          Toccata on "Great Day"
          Toccata on "Veni Emmanuel"

Hakim, Naji
          Hommage à Igor Stravinski
          Mariales: III
          Pange Lingua
          Salve Regina
          The Embrace of Fire

Hampton, Calvin
          Five Dances, complete

Hancock, Gerre
          Air: Prelude for Organ

Handel, George Frederic
          Op.4, No. 2

Harris, Cuthbert

Haywood, Carl
          Improvisation on "We Shall Overcome"

Hebble, Robert
          Improvisation on Immaculate Mary
Improvisation on Salve Regina
          Prelude on Pleading Savior

Held, Wilbur

Hepplewhite, Russell
          Fanfare (for organ & cello) [world premiere]

Heron, Henry
          Voluntary in G Major

Hewitt-Jones, Tony

Hillert, Richard
          Partita for Organ “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”

Hindemith, Paul
          Sonata I
          Sonata II

Hollins, Alfred
          A Song of Sunshine
          Trumpet Minuet

Holst, Gustav
          The Planets

Hommerding, Alan J.
          Adoramus Te, Christe

Hopson, Hal H.
          All Creatures of Our God and King
          Be Thou My Vision

Howells, Herbert
          Master Tallis’s Testament
          Preludio ‘Sine Nomine’
          Psalm Preludes, Op. 32: No. 1, 2, 3
          Six Pieces for Organ: No. 2 Saraband

Hurd, David
          A Suite: Four Spiritual Preludes, No. 1, 2, 3, 4
          Fantasia on Wondrous Love
          Four Spiritual Preludes
          Suite in Three Movements

Hytrek, OSF, Sr. Theophane
          Christmas Communion Meditation for Organ
          Meditation for Flute and Organ on Salve Regina
Now the Light Has Gone Away - Müde bin ich, geh zur Ruh
Postlude-Partita on Old Hundredth
          Rhapsody of Praise
          Suite Gloriosa
          Suite in Honor of Mary Immaculate

Ireland, John
          Miniature Suite: Menuetto-Impromptu

I’so´lfsson, Pa'll
          Ostinato and Fughetta

Isoir, André
          Op. 1: Six Variations sur un Psaume Huguenot

Ives, Charles
          Variations on America

Ives, Grayston
          Partita on Grosser Gott
          There is a Land of Pure Delight

Jackson, Francis
          Toccata, Chorale, and Fugue, Op. 16

Jacob, Gordon
          Festal Flourish

Jongen, Joseph
          Op. 37, No. 3: Prière
          Op. 53: Chant de May
          Op. 92: Humoresque for Cello and Organ
          Op. 94: Sonata Eroica
          Op. 108, No. 2: Prière

Karam, Frederick
          The Modal Trumpet

Karg-Elert, Sigfrid
          Op. 65, No. 56: Jesu, geh' voran
          Op. 65, No. 59: Marche Triomphale
          Op. 96: I and VII
          Op. 106: Cathedral Windows
          Three settings of Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her

Kellner, Johann Christoph
          Praeludium in C Major

Kim, Marianne
          Song of Hope

King, Larry
          Resurrection: Lament-The Rising-The Ecstasy-Reflection

Kiolbassa, Jeremy
          Fantasy in Honor of Saint Stanislaus Kostka

Knowles Paine, John
          Op. 3: Concert Variations on the Austrian Hymn

Koch, Erland von

Krapf, Gerhard
          Partita on “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth”

Krebs, Johann Ludwig
          Chorale Prelude: Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren

Kunc, Pierre
          Symphonie in Ré mineur

Labole, Germaine
          Triptyque (complete)

Lamare, Edwin H.
          Irish Air from County Derry

La Montaine, John

Lang, C.S.
          Prelude and Fugue in C minor

Langlais, Jean
          Chant de paix
          Cinq Soleils: III
          Four Postludes, Op. 69: No. 1
          Hommage à Frescobaldi: I, VII, VIII
          Incantation pour un jour saint
          Jésus, mon Sauveur béni
          La Nativitè
          Neuf Pieces: II, III, IV
          Organ Book, Op. 91: X. Pasticcio
          Primiere Symphonie: IV. Final
          Suite Médiéval: Acclamations Carlingiennes
          Te Deum

Lanquetuit, Marcel
          Toccata in D

Laprida, Andres
          Florinda (1999)

Larsen, Libby
          Aspects of Glory: II., III.

Latry, Olivier
          Salve Regina

Laurin, Rachel
          Four Pilgrimages in Lorraine, Op. 30
          Omaggio Fesetivo, Op. 89
          Poème Symphonique pour les Temps de l’Avent
          Symphonie No. 1: IV. Toccata

LeBegue, Nicolas
          Plein Jeu from Premiere Livre d'Orgue

Lefebure-Wely, Louis
          Andante, ‘Choeur de Voix humaines’
          Scène pastorale
          Sortie in E Flat Major

Leguay, Jean-Pierre
          Trois Preludes
          Prelude No. 14

Leighton, Kenneth
          Fantasy on "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"
          Paean (Hymn of Praise)

Lemar, Edwin H.
          Marche Heroique, Op. 74

Lidon, Jose
          4 piezas para la Misa
          Sonata de 1° Tono

Lindberg, Oskar
          Gammal fäbodpsalm (from Dalarna)
          Sonata in G. Minor, Op 23: I, III, IV

Liszt, Franz
          Ave Maria von Arcadelt
          Fantasy and Fugue on "Ad nos, ad saluteram undam"
          Prelude and Fugue on B.A.C.H.
          Saint Francis of Paola Walking on the Waves, arr. Rogg
          Symphonic Poem No. 4, S. 98, Orpheus
          Via Crucis (The Way of the Cross)

Litaize, Gaston
          Lied and Scherzo (from Douze Pieces)
          Prélude et Danse Fuguée (Prelude and Dance Fugue)
          Prelude from Messe Basse pour tous les Temps

Locklair, Dan
          Phoenix Procession
          Rubrics, IV. The Peace May Be Exchanged
          Salem Sonata, II. and III.
          Windows of Comfort, Book II: IV "...and call her blessed..."

Lübeck, Vincent
          Praeludium in D Minor

Lublina, Jan
          Danses et Estampes

Mägi, Ester
          Dialog: Prelude with Choral

Major, Douglas

Manz, Paul
          Gentle Maid Laid Her Child
          Savior of the Nations Come
          Savior When in Dust To You

Marchand, Louis
          Premier livre d'Orgue: Plein jeu, Fond d'Orgue
          Troisième Livre d’Orgue: Dialogue

Marshall, Philip
          Prelude on Forest Green

Martin, Frank
          Agnus Dei (for Organ)

Martinson, Joel
          Incarnation Suite on Puer natus est nobis (1999)

Mathias, William

Mathews, Peter

McDowall, Cecilia
          O Antiphon Sequence

Meier, Margaret S.
          Romantic Passacaglia on a Twelve-Tone Theme

Mendelssohn, Felix
          Op. 36: Overture to the Oratorio “Saint Paul”
          Op. 37, No. 1: Prelude and Fugue in C minor
          Op. 37, No. 2: Prelude and Fugue in G Major
          Op. 37, No. 3: Prelude and Fugue in D minor
          Op. 65, No. 1: Sonata in F Minor
          Op. 65, No. 2: Sonata in C Minor
          Op. 65, No. 3: Sonata in A Major
          Op. 65, No. 4: Sonata in B Flat Major
          Op. 65, No. 5: Sonata in D Major
          Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream
          Variations Serieuses

Messiaen, Oliver
          Alleluias sereins d’une âme qui désire le ciel
          Apparition de l'Église éternelle
          Eclairs sur L’au-Delà I. Apparition du Christ glorieux
          La Banquet Céleste
          La Nativité Du Seigneur
          Les Corps Glorieux
          Livre du Saint Sacrement
          Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité
          Messe de la Pentecôte: IV. Communion, V. Sortie

Michel, Johannes Matthias
          Choral Prelude on Raphael
          Petite Suite in Blue: Recit

Micheelsen, Hans Friedrich
          Holsteinishe Orgelbüchlein, Opus 32: Präludium

Miller, Dan
          Festival Alleluia

Miller, Aaron David
          Ritornello on "Liebster Jesu, Wir sind Hier"

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
          K. 546 Adagio and Fugue in C Minor
          K. 608 Fantasy in F Minor
          K. 616 Andante in F

Mulet, Henri
          Esquisses Byzantines: Complete

Mussorgski, Modest
          A Night on Bald Mountain, arr. Rollett

Mycklegård, Åge
          6 Orgelkoraler (6 Organ Chorales)
               2. Opp gledes alle, gledes nu
               3. Store profet med den himmelske lære

Near, Gerald
          Ave Maria
          Carillon on a Ukranian Bell Carol
          Prelude and 4 Variations on Adoro Te Devote
          Solemn Prelude on a Theme of Thomas Tallis
          Ubi Caritas

Nicholson, Paul
          love we name

Northway, Dennis
          Op. 3: Passcaglia in D Minor

Nowowiejski, Felix
          March, Op. 7, No. 3
          Offertoire, Oop. 7, No. 2

Nystedt, Knut
          Den store hvide flok (Behold the Host Arrayed in White)

Oldroyd, George
          Conditor Alme Siderum (Three Liturgical Improvisations)

Olsson, Lennart
          Tre små orgelstycken (Three Small Organ Pieces)
               2. Jesus är Min Vänn, den Bäste

Olsson, Otto

Oquin, Wayne
          Rêverie for Organ

Otano S.J., Nemesio
          Andante Religioso: Adagio

Owens, Sam Batt

Oxley, Harrison
          Prelude on "Whence is this goodly Fragrance?"

Pachelbel, Johann
          Chaconne in F Minor, P.43
          Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
          Choral Partita-Werde munter, mein Gemüte

Parker, Horatio
          Sonata in E-flat, Op. 65: Allegretto

Pasini, Enrico
          Cantabile No. 2

Paulus, Stephen
          Tryptych for Organ

Paumann, Conrad
          Mit ganczem Willem

Peloquin, C. Alexander
          March for Joyous Occasions

Penderecki, Krzysztof
          Agnus Dei from Polish Requiem

Pepping, Ernst
          Concerto II: I, II

Persichetti, Vincent
          Dryden Liturgical Suite

Petersen, A.K.

Phillips, Craig
          Divinum Mysterium
          Toccata on Antioch
          Prelude on Kremser

Pierné, Gabriel
          Trois Pièces, Op. 29: I, II, III

Popper, David
          Hungarian Rhapsody, Op. 68

Portman, Brenda
          Genevan Suite

Post, Piet
          Fantasie on "Holy, Holy Holy"

Poulenc, Francis
          Litanies à la Vierge Noire

Praetorious, Johann
          Three settings of Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her

Price, Benton
          Via Dolorosa

Price, Florence
          Adoration (1951)
          Variations on Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells

Prizeman, Robert
          Toccata on Songs of Praise

Proulx, Richard
          Fanfare for Organ
          Pavane - Dance Liturgique

Purcell, Henry
          Lord, What is Man? Z. 192

Purvis, Richard

Ramsey, Dale E.
          Conversations: Seven Character Pieces for Organ (2016)

Raney, Joel
          Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Ravel, Maurice
          Pavanne pour une infante defunte (arr. C. Cavalli)

Reger, Max
          Introduction and Passacaglia
          Op. 9, No. 2: Benedictus
          Op. 40, No. 1: Fantasie and Fugue
          Op. 46: Fantasia and Fugue on B-A-C-H
          Op. 59, No. 2: Benedictus
          Op. 67, No. 40, Von Himmel hoch, da komm ich herr
          Op. 67, No. 44, Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
          Op. 135a. No. 15, Lobe den Herren
          Variations und Fuge über "Heil di rim Siegerkranz"

Respighi, Ottorino
          Lauda della natività della Signore

Rheinberger, Joseph
          Op. 127: Rhapsody for Oboe and Organ
          Op. 132: Orgelsonate 8, I. and IV
          Op. 148: Orgelsonate 11, complete
          Op. 150: Theme and Variations, Elegie

Roger-Ducasse, Jean

Roguski, Gustaw
          Prelude in A Minor

Rorem, Ned
          View from the Oldest House

Roth, Daniel
          Livre d’Orgue pour le Magnificat

de Saint-Martin, Léonce
          Psaume 136 (complete)

Saint-Saens, Camille
          Op. 12: Oratorio de Noël
          Op. 99, No. 2: Prelude and Fugue in B Major
          Op. 99, No. 3: Prelude and Fugue in E Flat Major
          The Carnival of the Animals

Sanders, Bernard
          Eclogue and Fugue in D Minor

Sandresky, Margaret Vardell
          Variations on the Epiphany Hymn "Morning Star"

Scheidt, Samuel
          Tabulatura Nova, SSWV 127

Schmidt, Franz
          Chaconne in C Sharp

Schmitt, Florent
          Marche Nuptiale

Schoettler, Brian

Schroeder, Hermann
          Five Pieces for Organ
          In Dulci Jubilo

Schuller, Gunther
          Symphony for Organ (1981): mvmts. I.  IV.  V.

Schumann, Clara
          Op. 16, No. 3: Prelude and Fugue in D Minor

Schumann, Robert
          Op. 56, No. 4: Con Sincerita
          Op. 58, No. 3: Sketch in F Minor
          Op. 58: IV
          Op. 60, Fugues on B-A-C-H: No. 3, No. 5

Selby, William
          A Lesson for the Organ: Complete

Shaffer, Jeanne
          Partita on Schmücke Dich

Shapiro, Alex

Sharpe, Carlyle
          Confitemini Domino (1997)

Shearing, George
          Amazing Grace
          I Love Thee, Lord

Sibelius, Jean
          Finlandia, Op. 26
          Prelude and Postlude

Þorkell Sigurbjörnsson
          Lofid gud (Praise God)

Simmons, Morgan
          Prelude on a Melody by Leo Sowerby ("Eternal Light")
          Reflections for Oboe and Organ

Simon, Gregor
          Song for Organ

Simpson, Ralph
          First Sonata for Organ

Simpson-Cureton, Evelyn
          O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Smith, Robert Edward
          2 settings of "Lo, How a Rose"

Smyth, Ethyl
          Prelude and Fugue on O Traurigkeit, O Herzeleid

Sobaje, Martha
          The Trumpet
          Trumpet Tune on "Watchet Auf"

Soler, Antonio
          The Emperor's Fanfare

Sokulski, Antoni
          Introduction and Fugue

Sowerby, Leo
          Comes Autumn Time
          Passacaglia from Symphony in G
          Requiescat in Pace
          The Passion Chorale

Stamm, Hans Andre

Stanley, John
          Voluntary in D minor, Op. 6, No. 5

Still, William Grant

Storace, Bernardo
          Ciaccona in C

Sullivan, Arthur
          The Lost Chord

Sumison, Herbert
          Prelude on the Holly and The Ivy

Surzynski, Josef
          Postlude, Op. 19, No. 4

Susman, William

Swann, Frederick
          Improvisation on Amazing Grace
          Trumpet Tune

Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon
          Balleto del granduca
          Variations on the dance tune Balleto del granduca
Variatios on "Est-ce Mars"
          Variations on "Mein junges Leben hat ein End"

Tausen á Lava, Eli
          Danse Grotesque

Thalben-Ball, George
          Tune in E

Thomson, Virgil

Thorn, Michael

Titcomb, Everett
          Puer Natus Est from 4 Improvisations on Gregorian Themes

Tournemire, Charles
          L'Orgue Mystique, No. 28 - Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu
          Op. 24: Pastorale
          Op. 55, No. 6, 7, 10
          Op. 57, No. 29, 30, 39, 50, 51
          Op. 67, Sept chorals-poèmes d'orgue pour les sept paroles du Christ
          Choral-Improvisation sur le Victimae Paschali
Fantaisie-Improvisation sur l’Ave Maris Stella
          Improvisation on the Te Deum

Tower, Joan
          Copperwave (2006) played by Brass Quintet

Trapp, Lynn
          Fantasy on Easter Dismissal Chant
          O Filii et Fillae
          Te Deum

Veracini, Francesco

Verdi, Giuseppe
          Overture to La Forza del Destino

Victoria, Tomás Luis de
          Officium Defunctorum (1605)

Vierne, Louis
          Op. 14, Symphonie No. 1: mvmts. II. IV. V. VI.
          Op. 16, Messe Solonnelle in C# Minor
          Op. 20, Symphonie No. 2: mvmts. I. II.
          Op. 28, Symphonie No. 3: mvmt. IV. V.
          Op. 31, No. 11, 21
          Op. 32, Symphonie No. 4: mvmts IV. V.
          Op. 53, Suite 2 - Complete
          Op. 54, Suite 3 - No. 2, 3, 5, 6
          Op. 55, Suite 4 - No. 4
          Op. 58, Triptyque: III. Stèle pour un enfant défunt
          Op. 59, Symphonie No. 6: mvmts II. III. V.

Vivaldi, Antonio
          BWV 593 Concerto in A Minor: I.

Walcha, Helmut
          Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein
          Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
          Choralvorspiele I- 6. Den die Hirten lobten sehre
          Three settings of Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her

Walther, Johann Gottfried
          Two Chorale Preludes
          Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier

Walton, William
          Crown Imperial March
          Orb and Sceptre

Walczyski, Rev. Franciszek
          20 Praeludia Funebria, op. 105 (1,2,3,8,6)

Wammes, Ad
          Peaceful Waves
          The Day That Was (Organ & Cello)

Weaver, John
          Introduction and Fugue on St. Denio

Weckmann, Matthias
          Magnificant II Toni

Weiland, Brent
          Serenata Luna

Weitz, Guy
          Symphony No. 1: I, II

Whitlock, Percy
          Plymouth Suite
          Sonata in C Minor

Whitsett, Eleanor
          My Country 'Tis of Thee

Widor, Charles-Marie
          Op. 42, No. 1: Symphonie No. 5, complete.
          Op. 42, No. 2: Symphonie No. 6, complete.
          Op. 42, No. 4: Symphonie No. 8 - mvmts. II. VI. VII.
          Op. 70: Symphonie Gothique, complete.
          Op. 72: Symphonie Romane - mvmts. I. II. III. IV.

Willan Healey
          Five Preludes on Plainchant Melodies, Op. 157
          Introduction, Passacaglia, and Fugue

Willcocks, David
          Postlude on Mendelssohn

Williams, John
          "The Conversation" from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Williams, Ralph Vaughan

Willis,  Sharon
          Ascension Suite

Willscher, Andreas
          Improvisation about the Yankee Doodle

Wright, Donald Stuart
          A Tune for the Trumpet

Wright, M. Searle
          Lyric Rhapsody

Yon, Pietro
          Concerto Gregoriano, IV. Finale

Zahnbrecher, Toni
          Introduction, Scherzo,und Fugue on B-E-A-T-E (1993)